
How To Make Money Online While You’re Sleeping

You Don’t Even Need To Own Products Or Create Them!

Find Out How I Quit My 14 Hour Safety Advisor Job to a Prosperous Online Business With NO EXPERIENCE… AND Discover How You Can Do This Too!

I’m really happy you’re here.

I have a confession to make and want to be upfront with you … I’m not a millionaire online. 

I’m not even going to try to impress you with a flashy Lamborghini or some gigantic yacht that’s being rented just to get your undivided attention. This is what scammy online ‘gurus’ do.

I’m just an ordinary gal who found a legitimate and proven online training system that’s helping thousands and thousands of people earn their recurring passive income online every month.

But I’m not the only person who discovered this …

Meet Ivan: Read his story here

Meet Ivan in Wealthy Affiliate - made $8k in one month

Are you looking for the same thing?

Nice! Stay with me then.

I have something to show you that is without a shadow of a doubt, the simplest method I’ve been using that sustains my dream lifestyle with a four-figure income every month.

The cool part about it is, it grows exponentially every month and so of course, I expect to reach my goal of five-figures monthly in the very near future. 

There are members in my training platform who are already on the way to reaching their six figures monthly.

Let me ask you then, is this result something you would like to accomplish too?

Fantastic! Keep reading …

Who Am I?

Before I get into real details, let me tell you a bit of who I am, just so you know I’m not some scammy wanna-be “guru”.

My name is Monica and I live in Canada. I’m no “spring chicken” and like to keep my age confidential!

Monica - CEO of Work Anywhere Business

If you haven’t been to Canada, it’s a gorgeous country in North America,  and I hope you’ll visit it one day!

You may not believe this but I’m actually a shy and quiet person and keep my personal stories to myself, but I’m sharing this because I believe in it and believe it can help you too. 

Anyway…ok, this is me. I don’t have too many photos of me on land but I like posing underwater…

This is me scuba diving!

When I’m away from my laptop I enjoy scuba diving, travelling, working out, watching movies and NHL hockey (Edmonton Oilers). I especially enjoy sipping an occasional glass of wine with friends and family or just chilling out with a good book.

But my life was certainly not like that all the time…

It was around 2010 when I took all my courses to be a health and safety advisor working up in the northern part of Canada. The pay then was excellent BUT it brought no happiness. In fact, I was feeling miserable.

Making sure my crew is working safely
I’m standing on a platform making sure everyone is safe!

As a Safety Advisor, my responsibility was to ensure my crew works safely with no hazards around.

The long-distance travelling was taking its toll and then there were ALWAYS the corporate political games in the oil patch. 

I found I didn’t even have time to visit my friends and family (lack of money) as I still had a house mortgage and bills that needed to be paid monthly. The thought of making money for the big bosses was just one of the reasons why I wanted to get out of the corporate world.

In other words, I absolutely hated my lifestyle and decided it was time to take charge of my life. This got me into researching “how to make money online”.

Of course, I had no idea how to make money online. My only thought was how expensive is it to get an education and if it is for anyone.

Still, I felt like I was onto something, a feeling of hope that it could be my ticket out of the corporate world and be my own boss so I pursued it.

I learned during my research how easy it was to get scammed online. Yes, I got hooked on the part about trying to hit a ‘magic’ button in the hopes of making millions overnight. I really thought I was going to be rich in just a few hours or within a couple of days.  

I continued doing this for a few months and wasted some time and precious money from whatever savings I had on pure junk. 

Going forward, I actually stumbled on another online opportunity. Only this time, it was quite different…

They didn’t promise I was going to make ‘untold fortunes’, instead they said I would have to work hard. There were no shiny buttons to push and in this platform, I found all they wanted to do for 15 years + is help people start making money online. 

Guess what, they were offering a free trial and said they don’t ask for your credit card information to get access to it. Ummm, so there’s zero risk!

This online training opportunity I’m talking about is called Wealthy Affiliate. I joined it on December 15, 2015 (still there) and am pleased to say it was the best business decision I ever made. 

This is Wealthy Affiliate logo

Kyle and Carson, the owners of Wealthy Affiliate have been completely honest from the start.

Wealthy Affiliate Owners Kyle and Carson

They taught me everything I needed to know and gave me all their best tools to get me started in building my own online business, which I did successfully. What you see on my site are the results.

They have step-by-step training, videos, coaching and a whole lot more!

I’m happy to say I’m been working from home for almost 3 years + and earning consistent recurring income online monthly. 

Today, I’m totally free from the crazy corporate world and spend my days with friends and family I want to be with and do all the things I’m passionate about like scuba diving and travelling. 

As you can see, I’m not the only one in this awesome situation. Much of my inspiration comes from reading other members’ success stories. 

Meet Jerry… Read his story here.

This is Jerry inside Wealthy Affiliate.

Meet littlemama: Read her story here

This is amazing Grace also known as littlemama.

We do this with our laptops and work from home or while we travel as long as there is the internet. 

One of my biggest passions in life is to help as many people as I can who also have dreams of living their own lifestyle by simply starting an online business and applying the right tools and proven techniques to make it successful.

So, I need to ask you … Are you ready to start building a successful online business? 

This post may contain affiliate links for more info visit my disclosure page. The opinions expressed here are my own.


10 FREE Lessons so you can try it out and see for yourself

No Credit Card is Requested. 100% Risk-Free.

How To Make Money Online

The business model is called affiliate marketing and it’s the easiest and the best way to learn!

There is nothing complicated about it. What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is the process of promoting someone else’s products/services on your website(s) by placing an affiliate link on your content. When someone clicks on that link and makes a purchase, poof, you earn a commission. Just like that! You don’t carry any inventory and so there is no shipping.

I make all my commissions through the websites that I easily created from Wealthy Affiliate’s training. For instance, I also have a scuba diving website and use Amazon’s affiliate program. I get a commission when someone clicks on my affiliate link and purchases scuba gear on Amazon. 

The best part is, I get my thrills when I help people by giving them what they’re looking for.

In addition to Amazon, there are many other affiliate platforms you can join, to name a few:

  • Apple
  • Best Buy
  • Walmart
  • Fiverr
  • Shopify
  • BigCommerce
  • Shareasale
  • Rakuten LinkShare
  • Travelocity
  • Fitness affiliate programs
  • etc.

Do you know that most brand companies nowadays offer an affiliate program? In fact, try this now… enter ‘camping + affiliate’ into your browser and take a look at all the results! Amazing right?

Examples of camping affiliate programs

Affiliate marketing is a multi-billion dollar industry. This is according to Supermetric…

Affiliate marketing spending forecast

Because of COVID and thanks to the ability to shop online,  millions of people are buying online and the number is expected to rapidly grow. It’s the way of the future!

Can you imagine what your future could be like? Large brand-name companies want to give you a piece of their pie and because of this, you have the opportunity to start your own online businesses. 

People like you and I can easily receive commissions for promoting other peoples’ products/services.

Unlike some other business models like MLM (Multi-Level Marketing), the beauty of affiliate marketing is you don’t need to create products. You don’t have to carry inventory and no home shows This is the reason why affiliate marketing is so popular among beginners and advanced internet marketers.

Are you interested in starting your own eCommerce business? Well, you can learn that too.

The true beauty of affiliate marketing is you can earn money on autopilot for years and do it while you sleep or if you’re away from your computer having fun with your friends. This is called passive income. Imagine this from just one website.

I know, it’s hard to believe! I felt the same too…

BUT pay attention here… because what I have to say next is the best part yet to come … I have a secret I want to share with you that is helping me and others get the results we want. 

Well… it’s Really Not A Secret!

Making Money Online Formula

The Four Easy Steps

The unfortunate thing in this affiliate marketing industry is that so many people want to purposely sell you their useless ‘everything is done for you’ training. They try to tell you it’s that complicated and charge a ridiculously large amount of money …

However, the truth is making money online is simple and it only boils down to the following four steps which I’m going to share with you now.

Here’s the process:

How to make money - the 4 steps

The steps shown in this diagram have been proven over and over again with Wealthy Affiliate’s affiliate/internet training since 2015 and it will continue to work in the 50+ years.

So if this works for others, it should work for you too!

 STEP 1 – Choose an Interest

What I love the most about Affiliate Marketing along with the four steps, is you can take any of your hobbies and passions and turn them into a successful online business. 

For instance, scuba diving is one of my passionate activities. This is called a niche. If I looked on Amazon, I could find thousands of scuba dive products and promote all of them and make passive commissions online. 

Take a look at this…here are some of the categories for scuba diving on Amazon.

You can make money in Amazon

These are some scuba products I can promote and make some decent commissions…

Make money by promoting scuba gear in Amazon

I do a quick research on Amazon to find the product I want to promote and then get the Amazon affiliate link for it so I can earn crazy commissions.

Before we go too far on this, the very first thing we need is a website and some traffic…

STEP 2 – Build a Website

Building a website is NOT scary because Wealthy Affiliate uses its SiteRubix website builder software. It takes all the techie stuff out of building websites making it easy for you to have your website up and running literally within 30 seconds!

Yep, this means there is no coding so there’s no need to know the how-tos of building your website. No skills are required in web designing… you just build any type of website you want. 

Once you’re inside Wealthy Affiliate’s area to build your website…

All you need to do is give a name for your website, choose a preloaded professionally designed theme, wait a couple of seconds and voila!

Lots of professionally designed websites to choose from
Professionally Designed Websites

Now you have your selected website theme and through Wealthy Affiliate’s training, you’ll learn to design your site to the way you want it to be based on your niche. Imagine having a website that will be skillfully designed, fully functional and powered by WordPress (content management system software).

Guess what? Now you’re ready to get some traffic rolling in…

STEP 3 – Attract Visitors

In order to make money from your website, you need to somehow bring in traffic (visitors) to it. 

There are a couple of ways you can do this. The first is to get free traffic and the second way is by paying for ads. I always go for free traffic… I mean, who wouldn’t? This is a personal choice and you can do both.

The training focuses primarily on teaching how to get this wonderful FREE traffic. They do this with search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and social media. This is how you will make money on your website.

Wealthy Affiliate also teaches how to get paid ads but this will be something to learn later because you need to get traffic coming first and make some sales.

Can you imagine having 500 to 1,000 + visitors coming every day to your website?  This is definitely achievable and you can easily triple that number by learning and applying certain techniques. 

There are members inside Wealthy Affiliate who are experiencing 15,000 to 30,000+ people (free traffic) coming to their website a day and this can translate into big $$$$$! If you can learn the right techniques to do this, there will be no need to invest money into paid ads. 

To simplify the explanation, you are going to learn how to leverage words/phrases which we call keywords or search terms that people are entering into their search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Once you have researched the relevant product for your niche site, you can then write helpful content on it using the keyword which will help attract your FREE traffic. 

Here’s an example, let’s say your niche website is outdoor biking for women. You can write tons of content on tips, reviews on outdoor bicycles for women, how to choose one, etc.

Your content can be about touring bikes. Your keyword can be ‘What is the best touring bike?’ By the way, this is an excellent keyword phrase. I know this because I researched it using the training’s keyword tool which you would have access to.

What do you think? Does this sound difficult? Wealthy Affiliate’s affiliate training platform makes the techniques uncomplicated and easy to understand. If you can turn on a computer, and you can read and put in an honest effort you can do this!

Don’t sweat on the content writing because you’ll write like you’re having a conversation with someone. Easy, right?

Do you know that one published content on your site can generate thousands of dollars for years to come? Now imagine, if you had 200 pieces of published content (no, you’re not writing a book).

STEP 4 – Earn Revenue

Let’s say, you already have your website which might look like mine. You have lots of traffic rolling in every month. It’s time to earn good passive income online and to do this you only need to monetize the traffic.

To make money, there are over 50 ways to do this online. There are over 550 million different products/services to promote for FREE as an affiliate marketer. This is why I recommend the affiliate marketing business model.

If you remember earlier, one of the benefits of affiliate marketing is you don’t need to own or create any products. Once you have a professional-looking website, you can apply with a company that offers an affiliate program(s) relevant to your niche. The company will give you an affiliate link which you put into your content.

The reader likes your content and clicks on your affiliate link and makes the payment to that affiliate program. Congratulations, you just earned a commission!

Affiliate marketers can earn a very lucrative commission just by sending their traffic to the affiliate programs’ websites. 

This is how I make my 4-digit figure monthly from just one website even while I sleep… I have another site for scuba diving. 

All you need to do is keep growing your traffic and this will increase your earnings which I still do.

There are others I know of who are in the $10,000 a month…

Meet John: Read his story here.

Read John's story in Wealthy Affiliate

Are you ready to follow in our footsteps?


No Credit Card is Requested. 100% Risk-Free.

It’s FREE To Start.

Here’s the scoop…

Wealthy Affiliate Is Your All-Inclusive Source For Everything You Need to Build Your Own Successful Online Business!

BEWARE… I’m not here to sell you anything, instead, I really want you to join Wealthy Affiliate’s (WA) Starter Membership for FREE right now. 

There is no time limit, so stay as long as you want and get access to your:

  • 5 FREE lessons (Online Entrepreneur Certification Course 50 Lessons – Promote your niche)
  • 5 FREE lessons (Bootcamp Course 70 Lessons – Promote Wealthy Affiliate’s training platform)
  • 1 FREE WA website
  • Videos and tasks
  • Of course, I will always be available to you as your Support Coach! 😀

What You Can Expect In Your Level 1 FIVE lessons:

Level 1 – Lesson 1: Get Rolling!

You’ll get to watch a video of the Wealthy Affiliate walkthrough. There will be a quick ‘hello’ from the owners, some valuable tips from them, and a discussion on how you’ll be creating success. Then it’s your turn to complete important tasks like setting up your profile and your money goals to help you stay focused.

Level 1 – Lesson 2: The Process of Making Money Online

You’ll understand the important process of how to make money online and watch a video. Now it’s your turn to complete your tasks.

Level 1 – Lesson 3: Choose Your Niche

You’ll begin by understanding what a niche is with examples, and a video and then you get to complete your tasks of choosing your passionate interest which is your niche. THIS IS EXCITING! I’m sure you’ll have more than one. Just choose one for now.

Level 1 – Lesson 4: Building Your Website (THIS ISN’T SCARYY!! 😀)

Trust me, this is THE MOST EXCITING LESSON and you are going to feel complete satisfaction when you finish this lesson.

It’s made up of 4 steps:

  • Choose the type of website you want. Do you want to own your domain ($14.00 yearly) or get a free one? For your Starter Membership, you want the free one.
  • Choose a domain name that’s relevant to your niche. Mine is ‘workanywherebusiness’. No spaces.
  • Choose your website name. I use the same name as my domain name but here it is grammatically correct. Mine is ‘Work Anywhere Business’.
  • Choose your design theme for your website. As a Starter Member, you have access to the best free theme called the Generate Press theme. (I used this free theme for years and just recently, I upgraded to the paid Premium Generate Press theme.)

Level 1 – Lesson 5: Review and What to Expect in Level 2 (Premium Membership)

The lesson is a review of everything you learned and accomplished with an insight into Level 2 which requires the Premium Membership.

There you go, 5 FREE lessons (Level 1) of the Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) course.. (a total of 5 levels of 50 lessons).

Image of Wealthy Affiliate's Online Entrepreneur Certification 5 FREE Lessons

The Affiliate Bootcamp training (promoting WA) has 7 Phases (70 lessons)

  • Phase 1 – Getting Your Business Rolling (5 FREE lessons)
  • Phase 2 – Content, Keywords, and Conversions
  • Phase 3 – Giving Your Site Social Value
  • Phase 4 – Getting Visual and Getting Your Brand Through Media
  • Phase 5 – Knowing Your Audience and Catapulting Your Referrals
  • Phase 6 – Bing, Yahoo and The Power of PPC
  • Phase 7 – How to Scale PPC Campaigns Successfully

So, what do you think?

You can immediately start to build your own online business for FREE with absolutely NO OBLIGATIONS so please keep your wallet in your pocket.

After you go through your 5 FREE core lessons of the Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) course and your 5 FREE Affiliate Bootcamp lessons and you like what you see, your next step would be to upgrade to the Premium Membership to continue with the rest of the lessons.

If you can’t decide on a niche, the Bootcamp Course has a total of 70 lessons that teach how to promote the Wealthy Affiliate training platform and earn recurring passive income.

I started at zero dollars in this affiliate marketing business model to earn a four-digit monthly passive income. This is why I recommend you do the FREE Starter Membership with Wealthy Affiliate. 

Having been with them since December 2015, I can truthfully say, Wealthy Affiliate is unique because the owners, Kyle and Carson are genuinely interested in seeing you get success in your online business.

Honestly, try it for FREE first, and decide later if you want further training.


No Credit Card is Requested. 100% Risk-Free.

It’s FREE To Start.

See How Other Wealthy Affiliate Members Are Doing This

I hang around inside WA’s training platform every day where I continue to grow my online business and increase my skills and knowledge in the affiliate marketing world.

During that time, I learned a lot and even changed my mindset, financially, spiritually, and mentally. I’m even physically healthier too. I’m proud of my business accomplishments and very grateful that I no longer work for corporate bosses! Yeehaa! I take my own vacations whenever I want…

Thanks to Wealthy Affiliate, AGAIN, I’m not the only one to experience lifestyle changes from this training…

Meet Crystal: Read her story here

Read Crystal's story in Wealthy Affiliate

Meet Brok: Read his story here

Read Brok's Success Story in Wealthy Affiliate

Meet Eddy with a ‘y’: Read his story here

Read Eddy's Success Story in Wealthy Affiliate

Meet Steve:

Read Steve's Success Story in Wealthy Affiliate

These are just a few people who changed their lives because they went through Wealthy Affiliate’s training. And I can go on and on…

What Do You Get From Wealthy Affiliate?

Have you been on an all-inclusive holiday where everything is included?

Wealthy Affiliate is what I call your one-stop shop for everything you need to build your own successful online business and it’s all included in your Premium Membership.

Wealthy Affiliate Prices

A peak inside Wealthy Affiliate…

A sneak peak of Wealthy Affiliate's training platform

Starter Membership (FREE!)

This is what makes Wealthy Affiliate such a trustworthy affiliate marketing training platform…

I honestly don’t know of any online training platform that gives you all of the above for $0.00 (FREE) when you join as a Starter Member. The insane thing about this is you can stay for free as long as your heart desires.

When you feel more confident and ready to move forward should you decide to upgrade…

Premium Membership ($49/Month)

  • Complete Core Step-By-Step Training With Videos and Tasks (50 Lessons)
  • Complete Bootcamp Affiliate Training With Videos and Tasks (70 Lessons)
  • 1000+ Training Modules
  • 52 Webinars
  • 10 FREE Powered WordPress Websites
  • SiteRubix Website Builder
  • 24/7 Amazing Site Support Including Tech  (the best in the internet world)
  • Intermediate Website Hosting
  • Jaaxy Lite Keyword Research Tool
  • Affiliate Program Research
  • Domain Marketplace
  • Ask Questions, Get Answers Quickly
  • And a lot more…

It will ONLY cost you $49 a month for the Premium Membership if you decide to get the full benefit of Wealthy Affiliate’s affiliate/internet training and all the tools you need to run your online business running successfully.

The yearly is a BETTER DEAL… $497 USD ($1.36 a day, this is cheaper than coffee!).

To give you that extra feeling of security, if you don’t like the Premium Membership, you can reach out to the owners for a refund at any time.


No Credit Card is Requested. 100% Risk-Free.

For The Action Grabber!

If you join Wealthy Affiliate through my website and the Premium Membership within the first 7 days, I Have 4 AWESOME AND EXCITING BONUSES SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU! 

Here’s what I did… I took the FREE Starter Membership first and on lesson 4, day 4, I knew right away that I could trust Wealthy Affiliate so I upgraded to the Premium. You don’t have to do that.

Once you become a Premium Member within 7 days of your FREE Starter, you will immediately receive your amazing bonuses.

BONUS #1 – FREE Domain

You may not know this yet but all of the success stories I just shared with you from some of the members inside Wealthy Affiliate are ALL Premium members.

It’s been proven over and over that your success chances are well over 500% just by being a Premium member.

BONUS #2 – Private Coaching and Mentoring

You will receive a personal welcome message from me. Whenever you need help or have a question, I will be there for you and you can also Private Message me. 

I’ll help you get started and guide you every step of the way to your online business success.

BONUS #3 – Diamond Traffic Guide

This is going to blow your mind away!

There are literally tons of ways you can generate traffic to your website. It doesn’t matter what business you’re in, without traffic you have ZERO $ income. So traffic is your key to success!

In this guide, you’ll learn all the secrets of attracting thousands and thousands of free visitors to your website and it’s going to generate amazing income. 

You’ll learn how to make money while you sleep or when you’re on holiday with your family… you can free up time to spend with your loved ones.

This is what affiliate marketing is all about…PASSIVE INCOME = FREEDOM!

BONUS #4 – 1001 Profitable Niche Ideas   

Along with having a website, you need to identify your dream customers and have profitable products you can help them with. 

Don’t stress about this because you will learn all this in your lessons. 

The easiest way to come up with niche ideas is to think of something you are passionate about doing and you can’t stop talking about it. 

To help you along, I will send an eBook giving you over 1,000 profitable niche ideas. I know without a shadow of a doubt, you will find your PERFECT NICHE for your online affiliate business from that list. 

Just pick one niche out… I know you will come up with more than one and that’s ok, you can always create a second online business after your first site is generating healthy passive income. 

Ok, Monica, I’m Ready! How Do I Get Started?

So down at the bottom, click on the red button and enter your name and email address. This gets you inside Wealthy Affiliate as a FREE Starter Member.

You will notice it will not ask you for your credit card information. 

Once you are inside Wealthy Affiliate’s training platform, I will welcome you and give you lots of support!

So… what do you think? Are you ready to do this?


No Credit Card is Needed. 100% Risk-Free.

It’s FREE To Start.


Your friend,
