2022 Wealthy Affiliate Review – Is It The Real Deal OR A Scam?

Is Wealthy Affiliate the real deal or is it just a scam to take your money? In this review, you’ll discover the truth and their secrets. 

Lesson - Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website

I know I only have a few seconds to grab your attention.

To be honest with you,  I’ve been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since December 2015.

I know what you’re thinking… is this another biased review by yet another member of Wealthy Affiliate. Yep… But I promise to give you my TRUE opinions of Wealthy Affiliate. I don’t give Wealthy Affiliate a perfect score of 100 or even 96… they’re not perfect.

The fact is, there is no perfect company!

Today, I want to share with you my personal experiences and insights on this online affiliate marketing training platform. What’s worked and what hasn’t worked for me.

Interested? Let’s do this…

Wealthy Affiliate Review Summary

Product Name: Wealthy Affiliate

Founder: Kyle Loudoun and Carson Lim  

Product Type: Online Affiliate Marketing Training Platform and Community   

Price in USD: Starter is (FREE) and Premium Membership ($49/month or $497/year) 

Best For: Anyone interested in learning how to make money online and for affiliate and internet marketers who want to grow their online business. No experience is required.

Read Real Testimonials: READ REVIEWS here 

Summary: Wealthy Affiliate is the real deal online internet/affiliate marketing training platform. It’s my #1 Recommended proven training community. They’re not perfect but they have been in business since 2005. Members’ results vary because it depends on how much hard work they put into the training. If you’re here to make untold fortunes instantly, you’re at the wrong place. It’s not a magic button.. learn honestly and work hard and you will reap your $ rewards!

Overall Rating: 94%

Recommended? Yes

==> Join me inside Wealthy Affiliate. It’s FREE to Join! 

No credit card information requested – ZERO Risk!

The Company. What Wealthy Affiliate Is.

Wealthy Affiliate is an internet/affiliate marketing online training platform. It was founded in 2005 by 2 brilliant and successful Canadian affiliate marketers, Kyle Loudoun and Carson Lim.

Wealthy Affiliate Owners Kyle and Carson

I’ve been on other online industry training platforms but it’s like getting the cold shoulder and when you need help, it takes a long time for someone to respond… in fact, sometimes days or never at all.  Maybe you’ve already experienced that? So you paid the big bucks for the training but it’s not worth the price.

Wealthy Affiliate is uniquely different. Kyle and Carson are totally dedicated to teaching anyone who wants to succeed in an online business. People with no experience along with the very skilled online techies who want to learn more are welcomed.

One of the things I enjoy about their site is it’s transparent and alive. You never get the feeling of being alone. If you’re stuck on a portion of your training… no worries here! There’s always someone 24/7 to help you.

Wealthy Affiliate actually started as a keyword list primarily for affiliate marketers who wanted successful pay-per-click campaigns.

Members were thrilled with their service and asked for more online features to be added like:

  • Training on how to have a successful online business
  • Communication with other members
  • Live 24/7 help
  • One-on-one coaching and personal help
  • Hosting
  • Websites
  • A variety of free tools
  • And the list goes on

Now they have an amazingly skilled team of over 25 people working together in the background to help make your online business a success.

Wealthy Affiliate also has the friendliest community of over 800,000 members worldwide and is still one of the fastest-growing online training platforms in its industry in the world.

Is there anything you’re passionate about? Perhaps you have an idea or an interest.

This transparent platform is going to teach you how to turn your love of something into a very profitable and lucrative online business.

Learning and growing your online business takes hard work, patience, and perseverance and Wealthy Affiliate will tell you that upfront. Some members have given up because they thought they were going to make fast money.

Interestingly there are ex-members returning to Wealthy Affiliate with feelings of regret that they should have hung in. Apparently, the grass is not always greener on the other side …

Everything I’ve learned inside Wealthy Affiliate’s training is proven many times over. As a result, I quit my full-time job… yep, I left the corporate world!! I own my online business, the one you’re on.. and work my own hours anywhere in the world with my laptop.

Inside The World of Wealthy Affiliate

As far back as the early 2000s, Wealthy Affiliate has been using a powerful yet simple 4 step process to build successful online businesses. This process still works today and will continue to work in 2020+.

Here’s a diagram …

Wealthy Affiliate's Proven 4 Step Process

Once you’re inside this platform, all the training, tools, support and much more are given to you to apply to any niche using their successful and exact process.

As I mentioned earlier, this requires hard work. Any successful entrepreneurs whether they own a local or online business will tell you it’s hard work.

My advice to you is DO NOT THINK OF THIS TRAINING AS A GET RICH SCHEME! You will not find that with Wealthy Affiliate. 

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you to understand that people are your business. It’s all about helping people.

Did you know there are over 4 billion potential customers searching on the internet looking for solutions in any niche you can think of?

There are over 550,000,000 products/services you can promote without carrying an inventory. Help people, give them solutions and offer your product. This is how you will make a long-term and lucrative income.

There are thousands of websites that teach you their “get rich schemes” and have you chase after people to make money. Did you get caught up in this?

Well, you won’t find that on this platform because you won’t have to chase after people, they’ll come to you for solutions. Remember to help people!! This is all part of your 4-step process.

If you want to learn how to have your own online business in any niche you desire and are willing to work hard, there is no better time than now to learn and you can do this with Wealthy Affiliate. 

Training Cost

There are 3 tiers: Starter, Premium, and Premium Plus

  1. Starter is FREE.
  2. Premium is $49 a month or $497 a year.
  3. Premium + is $99 a month or $995 a year.

Wealthy Affiliate Prices

If you like what you experience in the Starter Beginner Package, then your step would be the Premium. You can see that the yearly rate is better than going monthly. Many members stay with the Premium for years.

The Community: Every Person Counts

Members Helping Other Members Inside Wealthy Affiliate

I mentioned earlier that this platform is alive. It’s not like any other training platform that I’ve been on.

Wealthy Affiliate claims they’re “the largest internet marketing community in the world”. They must be because they have over 1.4 million active members.

In my opinion, this makes Wealthy Affiliate the #1 recommended choice to learn, create, and grow your online business geared for absolute success.

Stuck on something and need help? Unlike other online internet training platforms, you don’t have to wait for hours or days to get a response(s) back because WA’s platform is alive 24 hours a day. 

What if you wake up at 3 am with a great idea and you want to discuss this with like-minded people? Well, go right on ahead because you can do that here and get immediate responses.

This community is also a very caring community, unlike Facebook where there are negative vibes, members here provide encouragement and mentorship.

You can interact with 1,000 or even 10,000+ members here, ask questions, send private messages to them and even contact Kyle and/or Carson (they’ll get back to you).

Even members give proven tutorials and tips on specific tasks you might be trying to implement on your niche website. They learned how to do it and they’re happy to share it with you. Even the techie members are here to help your online business succeed.

You’ll even have instant access to your own Personal Support Coach.. yep, that’s me! I’ve been here since December 2015. I quit the corporate world to manage my own online affiliate marketing businesses which I can do anywhere in the world as long as there is the internet. This site is one of them. 

The Wealthy Affiliate Education: What To Expect

10 FREE Lessons as a Starter Member

Recommended Education: Perfect for Newbies and Very Advanced Marketers who want to grow their online business

Training Format: Text, Videos, Task-Based, Live Webinars (with playback), Live Chat

Number of Resources: 1,000+

Total Hours of Live Classes: 310+

As a FREE Starter Member, Wealthy Affiliate will not have you let someone else do all your work here. You will never learn anything. You might already have been in other online internet training sites that do all the work for you but the problem is when you decide to leave, you have come out with no knowledge other than knowing you’ve been scammed.


The truth is, you must treat your online business as a real business. This means if you don’t work hard, you simply will not succeed.

Once you watch a video and or text, you’re going to learn with your hands down and DO what you were just taught by completing the required tasks.

Complete The Tasks of Each Lesson

This approach is going to build your online business, give you more confidence, and speed up your process of creating and building your online business to success.

We all have different ways of learning. For instance, I need to watch a video but that is not enough. I also need to see a step-by-step of the training in text form.

How do you learn?

Inside Wealthy Affiliate, there are several training formats that accommodate newbies to the very advanced internet and affiliate marketers:

  • Core Training Courses
  • Video Tutorials
  • Text Tutorials
  • Live Webinars (playback feature included)
  • LIVE Classrooms
  • Training from the EXPERTS

The real beauty of Wealthy Affiliate’s training is you’re able to ask questions and give conversations on a particular topic.

Members can participate and there are lots of authority members who are skilled in a particular topic to give you support. You’re also welcome to jump in and help other members.

The Websites: Successful Marketers Need a Superb Website Platform

Site Rubix Hosting Inside Wealthy Affiliate

Websites Type: WordPress

Hosting: A Well-Managed, Secure, and Fast SiteRubix Hosting Platform

Website Installations: Wealthy Affiliate boasts to have “the most powerful website platform in the world”.

Every successful website business requires a solid foundation and that is a website. It’s your real estate. You’ll get all the tools to manage your online business anywhere in the world as long as you have the internet.

It doesn’t matter what type of website you want, inside Wealthy Affiliate you can have a beautifully designed site with over 3000 templates to choose from.

This next part might be a little techie but it’s important…

There are websites/hosting features that contribute to your success when having your own site:

  • Website Security.
  • Website Speed.
  • Website Usage – Easy
  • Website hosting platform that will grow with you, give stability, efficiency, and current to future technology.
  • Immediate Support.
  • Powerful, Sophisticated and Simple Management Environment.
  • Advanced Features Plugins.
  • Proper Encryption.

So as a Starter Member, you get 1 FREE fully functional WordPress website that you can use in any niche you desire. It’s also hosted on Wealthy Affiliate’s state-of-the-art Managed WordPress hosting platform. 

As a Premium Member, in addition, you get 10 websites with full 24/7 hosting support every day.

Hosting. Security and Back-Ups Done Right

A Feature of WA Hosting is Your Website is Awake 24 Hour Every DayDouble Site Hosting:

We all know how frustrating it can be when your website goes down.

Ever heard of double hosting? Well, with Wealthy Affiliate your site is always awake 24/7. You don’t have to worry here if your site goes down.

Wealthy Affiliate “mirrors” your website and so swapping is swift and you can happily continue with your online business.

Wealthy Affiliate lives and breathes WordPress so they know it inside and out. They know what can happen when sites are spammed and hacked.

Your sites are shielded with layers upon layers of security and they stop all that hacking and spamming before it happens.


We all make mistakes. I’ve made a lot myself. Wealthy Affiliate, on a daily basis, will take snapshots of your site.

If you need to get your site back because you made a wee mistake, don’t sweat over it, just let SiteSupport know and they’ll have everything back up and running for you.

Fast Loading Websites:

If your site loads slowly you could risk losing your audience. They will go to your competitor’s sites. It’s important to know that you only have that one chance to get their attention.

On Wealthy Affiliate’s platform, your average page load time is 1.3 seconds, with a rating of excellent.

Even your site is hosted on the world’s most powerful Amazon hosting platform.

Tools: Right Tools To Build Your Business to Success

Wealthy Affiliate focuses on teaching you how to get FREE traffic thru search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

In addition, you’re also going to learn how to research your niche and keywords (search terms people enter in search engines to look for solutions).

You’ll learn to write great articles unique to your niche, and publish them so your targeted audience can enjoy reading them as well as analyzing your site.

But these all require getting the right tools to do the job for you.

Having been on Wealthy Affiliate’s platform, I’ve discovered I really don’t need to go anywhere else other than email marketing and paid ads but you’ll learn that down the road.

The tools inside this platform will save you a ton of time.

I’ll go thru these now but not in so much detail.

Jaaxy Keyword and Niche Research Tool

Results on Keywords Using Jaaxy
Results on Keywords Using Jaaxy

Every business whether local or online has competitors.

For online businesses, you will need to do a lot of research. This part is important to stay with me…

When people do searches on the internet, it’s because they’re looking for solutions. They are looking to find a product/service that will help them.

They enter their search term into their computer’s search engine… this is their keyword.

Your mission is to find low-competition keywords with a decent amount of traffic to target your offer(s) inside your article.

You want to have your article ranking on page 1 in search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

I know, this sounds impossible. I thought the same too when I first started.

Enter Jaaxy… this tool, in my opinion, is the world’s most advanced, yet simple-to-use keyword and niche research tool.


I’ve used other keyword research tools and I can honestly say Jaaxy will give you the most reliable, hottest, and most profitable keywords.

Jaaxy can also analyze your competition, give you brilliant ideas as well as find relevant affiliate programs for your niche.

Heck, you can even save them.

SiteContent. Beef Up Your Content Creation.


Every successful online business needs to have quality and helpful content.

Fortunately, this SiteContent tool is also included inside Wealthy Affiliate.

SiteContent a Place to Write Beautiful Content

SiteContent is Wealthy Affiliate’s ultimate writing platform. These are just some of the features:

  • Duplicate content checker
  • Literally 100’s of grammar and spelling checks
  • Over 1+ million FREE quality images usable on your website
  • Automatically publish to your website as a post or page
  • Make up your own template content
  • Track your number of words
  • Set your writing goals
  • Analyses your content structure
  • Provides suggestions to enhance your vocabulary

Another reason why this platform is so resourceful. 

Website Creation. Faster Than Making Yourself a Cup of Coffee.

Years ago, website creation used to take a month or more and people had to learn to code in order to have a half-decent-looking website. Well, thanks to advanced computer technology, you can spend your valuable time focusing on what’s important… and that is your online business.

Today, you can actually create your very own website in less than a minute right inside Wealthy Affiliate and I’ll show you how. 

With over 3,000 beautifully designed website themes, you can have a top-notch professional-looking website in any niche, up and running in no time.

How cool is that? Your targeted audience and search engines want to have a good user experience.

I’ve seen a lot of sites that say you don’t need to have a website. Quite frankly, in my opinion, if you want people to trust you, then you need to have your own website. You simply are unable to build your brand.

Building a website ain’t so scary!

Here is a video for you to watch… Find out how easy it is to create your own website in under 30 seconds! Just click on the image. 

CLICK on the Video to Watch How To Create Your Own Website Under 30 Seconds

You don’t need to have any computer experience or be a computer geek.

Easy, right? Now it’s your turn.. CLICK HERE (it’s FREE)!

People of all ages from 8 to 97 years old have been building websites.

Managing and Analyzing Your Website

As your online business grows, you are going to want to know what works and what doesn’t work so you can make improvements to get it ranking on page 1 of search engines.

Wealthy Affiliate has 2 platforms here to help you do this.

The SiteHealth Platform:

Site Health to Test Your Website

This platform monitors the health of your website by tracking your site activities. It lets you know how to improve it in a way that’s appealing to search engines.

The SiteRank Platform:

Website Ranking Result in Jaaxy

This SiteRank can actually be seen in Jaaxy’s platform of Wealthy Affiliate.

It lets you know where your article is ranking within Google, Bing, and Yahoo and whether it’s moved up or down.

As I mentioned earlier, one of your missions is to get your articles ranking on Page 1 of Google and other search engines.

You are going to save a ton of time using this SiteRank.

Coaching. More Than Coaching

Coaching Types: SEO, Social Media, PPC, Content, Keywords

Coaching Formats: Kyle, Carson, Me, Private Messaging, Live Chat, Ask Any Question, After Each Lesson

# of Coaches: Lots, like 1,000’s. There are lots of members who are very knowledgeable in their areas of interest.

I have literally asked over 100 questions and have had help from members within minutes.

As far as I’m concerned you’re not going to get an instant response like this no matter the time of day.

Many new people ask lots of questions.

I discovered there are many skilled and very successful internet and affiliate marketers who go out of their way to help members.

They do this as a way of paying back their knowledge gained on Wealthy Affiliate’s platform.

Live Chat:

Instant Response in Live Chat 24/7Because the members are from all over the world, live Chat is alive 24/7.

This is actually the quickest way to get an instant response to your questions.

You can also build a great relationship with these successful entrepreneurs.

Q&A Thru Training:

Throughout every training, whether they are modules, live classes, tutorials or videos there is always a comment area. 

Q & A Discussion From Members On A Lesson

Wealthy Affiliate encourages you to ask questions and other members can see this so it helps all members.

You can even have a discussion about it as well.

I get a good response time here within a few minutes.

Wealthy Affiliate’s coaching is unlike any other training platform where you get assigned to 1 coach (i.e. the person who referred you). Your coach might be busy with other referrals so the wait time might be 4-5 hours.

Asking the Community:

I like asking the Community because all my questions and responses are automatically saved for me to review back anytime I want. 

Most of my responses are from advanced marketers.

Even the newbies will respond because it’s information they recently learned about… sometimes I forget what I learned a year ago, lol!

I remember Kyle, in one of his earlier training, said “there is no such thing as a dumb question. It’s dumb when you don’t ask…”.

Personal 1-on-1 Coaching:

If you want personal coaching, you need to be a Premium member of Wealthy Affiliate.

Because you can “friend” any members inside Wealthy Affiliate, at the moment I have a little over 2,000 members friended, many of the ones I friend are successful online marketers.

This is really valuable and again I don’t know of any other training platforms that give you this type of coaching.

Response time is generally around 6 hours.

Get Support Coaching From Me:

This is my way of giving back to the Wealthy Affiliate community. Monica - CEO of Work Anywhere Business

Not only have I had tons of help from Kyle and Carson, but the members have also helped me numerous times.

Get Coaching From Kyle:

Kyle - Marketing Chief and Co-FounderQuite honestly, I really don’t know how Kyle can do all his activities as a co-owner.

He is always helping people. His goal is to help anyone in a 24-hour space however, it might take a little longer on weekends as he likes to spend time with his family.

The Members’ Successes. Are There Any??

Since December 2015, the month I joined, I’ve been “bookmarking” all the success story blogs on Wealthy Affiliate’s platform.

Are Members succeeding with Wealthy Affiliate? I’d definitely say yes thousands of times over.

Here are just a few screenshots of members who are really “rocking” their online business as a result of the training:

Eric’s Success Story: (Click Here to Read His Story)

Eric's Success Story - Result of Wealthy Affiliate's Training

John’s Success Story: (Click Here to Read)

John's Success Story - Result of Wealthy Affiliate Training

RD40’s Success Story: (Click Here to Read)

RD40's Success Story - Result of Wealthy Affiliate Training

There are thousands of members who share their success stories and they don’t boast about it, instead, they give you encouragement and give all sorts of helpful ted bits.

I personally did share a couple of my small success stories after being in Wealthy Affiliate’s site for 6 months because I was so excited to see the training work for me.

I don’t share my successes anymore because I do consider my earnings private unless I have an intimate relationship with someone.

I would much rather focus my attention on helping people achieve what I have and offer them the best solutions in the industry I believe in which is Wealthy Affiliate’s affiliate/internet training platform.

If I were to follow all 800,000+ members I’m sure I will have quite a list of members who are really making big $ and I can’t imagine the time they spend helping their referrals.

But the thing is, many of these members also don’t want to share their successes.

If you see thousands of success stories there are 10x more success stories from the silent members who quietly focus on their business while helping other members.

Many of these successful members are now hiring writers to write their articles while they venture out to diversify their sites. They even create new websites… rinse and repeat what they learned.

Will you be next to share your success stories within Wealthy Affiliate? I sure hope so.

This is absolutely no risk to you and you can start as a FREE Starter Member. No credit card information is asked.

I promise I’ll be on the inside to welcome you.

==> Click here: Join Wealthy Affiliate for FREE as a Starter Member

The Super Wealthy Affiliate Conference. The Vegas Stretch

Wealthy Affiliate Referral Program All Inclusive Trip To Vegas Convention

I believe in having incentives because it gets you working harder and makes you more motivated. They’re fun too…

As I mentioned earlier you can do Wealthy Affiliate training with any niche you have.

But I also want to mention Wealthy Affiliate also has a very lucrative affiliate program if you’re interested in promoting them.

Wealthy Affiliate offers a cool opportunity to meet the brilliant minds of internet and affiliate marketers who reach their goal of 300 referrals.

You earn an all-inclusive 4-day trip to Vegas and they will fly you there no matter where you live and totally get pampered.

It’s a 3-day conference where you sit with like-minded brilliant members and discuss new ideas, future plans, what worked, what didn’t work well, yummy food, drinks, entertainment, etc.

You also have lifetime cookies with Wealthy Affiliate.

What I Like

1. Start Your Business With Any Niche

The 2 training platforms let you decide if you want to promote your own passionate niche or if you want to join their affiliate program training.

2. Your Website is Transferable

I have done a lot of reviews and there are many sites that simply do not allow you to transfer your website to another platform.

Imagine all that hard work you put into creating and growing your online business and when you decide you want to move on to greener pastures .. you can’t move your website.

With Wealthy Affiliate, your websites are not held like a prisoner.  You can move your own websites to an outside platform.

3. For Anyone

Wealthy Affiliate is for anyone who is interested in learning how to be a successful online marketer.

Members vary from newbies to intermediate to the very advanced internet marketers who want to grow their online business.

4. Affordable Price

The Starter Membership is FREE.

The Premium Membership is $49/month or $497/year.

The yearly is the best option if you’re really serious about getting the best deal as a Premium member – it’s only $1.36 a day! Cheaper than a cup of coffee.

5. Transparent. You Never Feel Alone

When I joined Wealthy Affiliate, I had no support from my family or most of my friends… just one friend who is supportive of my online business.

It can be rather lonely when you don’t get much support from your loved ones.

However, when you go inside the Wealthy Affiliate platform, it is alive 24/7!!

6. The BEST 24/7 Support System

In my opinion, Wealthy Affiliate has THE BEST SUPPORT IN THE WORLD.

Other sites I’ve joined… so many times I had to wait for an answer to my question for a couple of days, especially on weekends and evenings. That was a bummer especially when I worked for a corporate company on weekdays.

If you have any technical issues, SiteSupport is ALWAYS there to help you. I don’t think I’ve had to wait longer than a couple of minutes to hear from them.

7. Strict On Spam

Wealthy Affiliate has strict rules on promoting your niche to members which I believe is a very good thing.

8. Friendliest and Helpful Live Community

One of the biggest assets of Wealthy Affiliate is their large friendly community.

Members are incredibly busy not only with their online business but they are seriously helping other members. This goes on 24/7.

9. Reliable Backup. Prevention of Hacking and Spamming

Wealthy Affiliate has a very sophisticated system of doing daily backups and a very intense method of preventing hackers and spammers from hitting on your site. 

They still do suggest you do your due diligence of course of backing your site to your computer and it’s a very easy procedure to do this. Not even a minute of your time. 

Not Everything Is Perfect! What I Don’t Like

That’s right… not everything is perfect inside Wealthy Affiliate!

But then again, nothing is perfect anyway.

1. Can Be Overwhelming

When I first joined, I was totally overwhelmed. But I also knew I’m a multi-tasker and not much on focusing on one thing, lol.

I saw so many cool things members were accomplishing on their websites when I was giving feedback and comments to help them, I literally was a jumping jelly bean.

What I learned was to stay focused on my business. I had to change my mindset.

2. Extra Costs

As you get further along in your training, you will need to sign up for an autoresponder for your emails. When you’re ready to do this, I recommend Aweber because it’s FREE  for up to 500 subscribers plus 3000 emails/month. Once you’re beyond those numbers you should be making enough money to up your plan.

Paid ads can vary and I’m really not a fan of paid ads. I find them annoying too because they pop up all over the place and get in the way of your reading content. Anyway, if you decide to do this, you need to have a good budget in place and be a pro at it otherwise you can lose a lot of your investment.

Internet and affiliate marketers are making money on paid ads but it’s not mandatory. I don’t use paid ads.

You will get some training in case you’re interested in learning about paid ads.

3. Focus a Lot On Organic Traffic, Not Much On Paid Traffic

Wealthy Affiliate really focuses on teaching you how to get free organic traffic thru Google, Bing, Yahoo, and YouTube which I really like.

But if you’re all about getting huge amounts of traffic faster the training on paid traffic is a little limited and you’ll likely want to do some research to outside platforms.

4. Takes a While To See the Results

Wealthy Affiliate from the start will tell you they are not a get-rich scheme. You must work very hard here.

Let’s face it, any successful entrepreneur will tell you they work very hard and even had to make sacrifices in their life… But that is why they are successful.

It took me 6 months before I earned my first commission and yes I worked my butt off.

I know members who make commissions after 3 months of training… others have been here for a couple of years to see results. 

It varies depending on your dedication to the training and what goes on in your personal life.

Is Wealthy Affiliate The Real Deal? Focus Is On You

Absolutely! Wealthy Affiliate is the real deal!

I have a confession,  I am biased!

Why would I not be? There are critics who put Wealthy Affiliate down because we are always boasting.

If you strongly believe in something, a product or a service, wouldn’t you be ranting and raving about it?

What I found was, Wealthy Affiliate is not focused on how much money they can take from you, instead they focus on helping you become more successful in your particular niche.

Wealthy Affiliate’s price on the Premium Membership hasn’t changed in years, in fact, it’s less than what it was in 2005. Doesn’t this say a lot?

Yep, the Premium Membership is less than $1.36 a day. As I mentioned before your cup of coffee costs more than that a day.

But this doesn’t mean less quality in training, hosting, and reliable backups, in fact, Wealthy Affiliate is actually the BEST online training platform for newbies, affiliates and internet marketers.

I don’t think you should sign up to be a Premium Member right away because that doesn’t make sense.

Why spend your money when you can join as a FREE Starter Member?

Wealthy Affiliate won’t even ask for your credit card information.

I would rather have you look inside their platform, see what members are saying, and start your journey to success RISK-FREE!

Just take these 3 steps:

Step 1: Start your FREE Starter Membership. CLICK HERE!

Step 2: Create your profile so members (including me) can get to know you and “friend” you.

As soon as you join as a FREE Starter Member, I’ll see you inside and welcome you and tell you how to get started with your training.

I’ll be there for you all the way through your journey once you create your free account and you can PM me or reach me on my profile.

==> Click here: Join Wealthy Affiliate for FREE as a Starter Member

At this moment, do you have any questions or comments for me? If you do, please put them in the Comment Box.

If you are a member of Wealthy Affiliate, I also would like to hear about your experiences with this affiliate marketing training platform.

I promise I will get back to you immediately

Thanks for reading!



8 thoughts on “2022 Wealthy Affiliate Review – Is It The Real Deal OR A Scam?”

  1. Thank you so much for your review of Wealthy Affiliate. I’ve read many but honestly the whole idea of affiliate marketing always went over my head. The way you’ve broken it down showing exactly what to expect with the training available as well as the fact that you tell it like it is – there is money to be made, IF you put in the hard work. So many try to sell the get rich quick knowing that never works. I appreciate your honesty! Thanks again!

    • Hi Shannon,

      You’re welcome and thank you for reading my review of Wealthy Affiliate and I appreciate your great comment.

      I understand what you said about affiliate marketing going over your head… I honestly felt the same way too.

      I’m glad you don’t feel that way now. Those get rich fast schemes only benefit the scammers.

      You’re right, hard work pays off… affiliate marketing are reaping the rewards for their efforts

      Thanks again,


  2. Hey Monica,

    I have read your awesome article. It’s a great review on Wealthy Affiliate. At present Wealthy Affiliate is one of the best growing legit market places through which a person can earn while learning. And you have explained how we can get help from the website when we face a problem.

    As you have overviewed everything I’m satisfied with your article. Even I have just joined it. And I am so happy to work as an affiliate marketer in this site.

    Thank you so much for this helpful article.

    • Hello, thank you for your awesome comment.

      Yes, there are not many affiliate marketing training platforms around where you can earn while you learn and with Wealthy Affiliate the earnings can be pretty good.

      Getting support 24/7 is vital for anyone having an online business and waiting for a day or 2 can be frustrating.

      Nice! I’m happy to hear you joined Wealthy Affiliate. I’ll friend you on the inside.

      I wish you the best in your online business.


  3. Hi Monica,

    Thank you so much for sharing such an informative article with all the necessary information about “2019 Wealthy Affiliate Review – Is It The Real Deal OR A Scam?”

    Really this is an amazing article. I like the article very much. It is not a scam it is a real deal. For a long time, I wanted to earn money online, and I was searching for a legit platform for this. My friend suggested me to start with Wealthy Affiliate. But I have some worries about this and I was looking for a proper guideline. Then I found your article. 

    After reading your article all my worries are gone away and I hope this is the perfect guideline for me in this purpose. I have learned that Wealthy Affiliate is the best platform of all. It is an awesome platform for earning money online. It is not so expensive. It is free to join. The monthly premium is only $49. It has also provided hundreds of ways for earning money from online honestly. 

    I have gained all the thorough details of this Wealthy Affiliate. I will share this great article with my friends and family so that they can take the benefits from this.

    • Hi Shakil,

      Thank you for your wonderful comment.

      I’m really glad I was able to you detailed insight into Wealthy Affiliate’s training platform. You’re absolutely right that it’s not so expensive and there are no upsells.

      Thank you and I appreciate you sharing my review to your family and friends.


    • Hey David,

      Great question! Thank you for being so observant!

      I’m in the middle of updating my Wealthy Affiliate review. Unfortunately, I mistakenly put a year in the URL and I don’t want to change my permalink so I changed the year to the current year to reflect the updates ….



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