About Monica

Are you tired of hearing your corporate bosses talk about all the vacation places they’ve been to? You feel like you want that kind of life too.

Perhaps you’re a stay-at-home parent and want to help bring in extra income to provide your family with a brighter future.

Are you retired and need additional income to sustain your life dreams?

You’re not alone.

Millions of people feel this way.

Some of us have already invested money and taken steps or lessons to make money online and have been scammed. Some have tried with honest training but found the lessons were too technical to follow.

According to Statista in 2017, there are approximately 1.66 billion people from all over the world who make purchases of goods or services online. How would you like to be your own boss and set your work hours anywhere in the world?

The intent of Work Anywhere Business is to help you become a successful online entrepreneur.

Hi there,

Welcome to Work Anywhere Business

Hi, I'm Monica

My name is Monica and I’m the founder of this site.

Work Anywhere Business offers tips, courses, reviews and recommendations on how to make money online to help people with no internet marketing experience. 

Perhaps you want to improve your online business by getting more traffic to increase your sales, well, you have come to the right place. 

Some of the things you’ll learn:

· Turn your ideas into livelihood profits

· Create your website in less than 60 seconds

· Build your traffic

· Create a long-lasting successful online business anywhere in the world

· Earn while you learn

How Work Anywhere Business Started

Most businesses will talk about their profound success stories like how they are now making millions of dollars simply by turning their great idea into a business to help their customers.

Well, Work Anywhere Business didn’t start that way.

Long Distance To Travel For Work

This business started because of my immediate desire and need to get out of the life I was in. I was tired of the long-distance travel to do safety for the oil patch and construction companies.

Working for a boss was no longer fun.

I knew I wanted to be an online entrepreneur but the concept of having an online business baffled me. I fumbled badly and paid a lot of money to scammers who only made enticing promises that I could be wealthy in no time.

Perhaps you’ve been there yourself?

The biggest challenge was finding where and how to begin my online business. I was not a computer ‘guru’ and only used my laptop for my safety job documents, doing some personal researching and sending emails to friends and family. I wasn’t into social media. 

My years of researching online on how to make money (on my days off from the corporate world) brought me to Wealthy Affiliate. I saw ordinary people earn REAL income from this training platform. 

A huge thanks go to my online internet/affiliate training platform Wealthy Affiliate which I am so grateful to have found. I am now in the 4 figure income helping people all over the world to become successful online entrepreneurs in any niche they are passionate about.

My online businesses don’t carry any inventory and I never have to look after shipping because I do affiliate marketing. 

About Monica

I couldn’t picture myself as a successful online entrepreneur. It was a dream at first. I didn’t think I could write or understand what needed to be done to accomplish this goal.

I was certainly passionate about a lot of activities like downhill skiing, hiking, Tai Chi, scuba diving and so on. 

Work From Anywhere

BUT when I realized my potential buyers were going to the internet, I knew I had to take action. There were things I needed to learn. Like how will my readers even find me on Google’s search browser? Can I really do this business anywhere in the world? The answer is YES!

I joined Wealthy Affiliate, in December 2015 and I’m still a member.

The things I learned through Wealthy Affiliate’s training platform are what have made my online business successful. I have a second online business which is about scuba diving. I retired from the corporate world in early 2017.

Let me tell you, this is hard work! BUT, it’s extremely rewarding. There’s a saying and I’m sure you’ve heard of it ‘if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got’ by Henry Ford. This is very true. You will not make money overnight… that is a myth. Legitimate businesses do not operate this way.

I’m here to help you start your online business with anything you’re passionate about. Wealthy Affiliate’s training platform can help you improve your existing online business and steer you in the right direction to long-lasting success.

If you don’t have the proper training, there will be many struggles… I have walked that path and it’s not fun and a total waste of time. Strong support 24/7 is what you will want.

Take the same training inside Wealthy Affiliate as I have done and still do to always grow my online business. It’s a step-by-step method with videos, text, webinars, site support, and so much more.

I guarantee you will get a ton of support, not only from me but also from the owners and from the largest member community in the world who go out of their way to help you. 

Want to turn your passions to profit?

If you’re curious and want to see how all this works inside Wealthy Affiliate…

Click Here For Your Free Account

It’s totally FREE and no credit cards are asked. You have nothing to lose and much to gain.

I’ll be your coach on the inside and send you a message!

Let’s do this together.

Have you been scammed? What things are you passionate about? Why brings you to my site? It would be awesome to hear from you and if you have any questions or comments please put them in the comment box below.

I promise I’ll get back to you.

Thanks for reading!

Monica Bouteiller



2 thoughts on “About Monica”

  1. Hi Monica,

    I wish you all the best with Wealthy Affiliate. I gained great knowledge from them. But what if while you were blogging, you could also share about a Cruise Membership (wait lol I know what you are going to say … people aren’t cruising but … this membership gives you double your membership fee in Cruise Dollars and so while people are waiting to cruise they can have their cruise dollars build-up.) This company has an 82% retention rate and it’s because customers love the membership and it has continued to grow all of 2020 even with everything that has been going on. You don’t have to “recruit”. You can just share the membership with potential customers, and earn bonuses and commissions. If you would like to learn more, please let me know.

    All my best,

    • Hi Katherine,

      Thank you for visiting my website. I’m sure the cruise ship industry will be back in business after the COVID vaccine has been fully distributed throughout the world. A lot of people are yearning to travel again…

      If you like, please send me the URL for your Cruise Membership. I’d be happy to do a review on it and make recommendations based on the results. If it’s really good I can even put it on my scuba dive site and promote it there as well.

      I look forward to hearing from you.

      Kind regards,


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