Do You Need a Website To Do Affiliate Marketing?

The secret is exposed! The way to get a taste for affiliate marketing is to simply find a great product to promote. Do you need a website to do affiliate marketing? YES and NO! If you’re someone who wants to enjoy life-long sustaining and passive income online, then yes you do.

For the long-time affiliate marketers, having their own website is the most common practice.

But I get it… some people literally “freeze” at the thought of creating a website, let alone design it. They think they need to be a techie and know how to code.

Heck, creating and building your website ain’t so scary!! Did you know you can create your very own website under a minute? Yep, I kid you not.

BUT I’m not here to talk you into owning your own website other than to give justification to website creation which I will do at the end so I hope you will stay me.

Today,  I’m going to give you 8 best methods on how to do affiliate marketing without a website. This is my focus, this is why you’re here…

The beauty of affiliate marketing! It’s one of the easiest and most profitable ways of making money online.

No inventory, no shipping costs and no customer complaints to deal with.

Once your merchant approves you, they give you your affiliate link. You write quality and helpful information about their product and if your targeted audience buys it, you make the commission.

Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

As long as you’re reaching thousands and thousands of targeted audience, this is what really matters. Right?

Heck, all you need to do is present your offers through social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

You can even send your traffic directly to your offer through an enticing ad.

OK, let’s get right to this…

Affiliate Marketing, Secret Methods That Work Without a Website.

#1. Make a YouTube Video.

Here is a mind-blowing fact!

According to Hubspot there are 1.9 billion active monthly users on YouTube.

9.1 Billion Monthly Active YouTube Users

Making a YouTube video is not complicated. The most difficult part is taking action. Too many people let fear get in their way so they do nothing.

Just Do It!

What you will want to do first is do a bit of keyword research (search terms people enter in search engines when they look for information/solutions).

YouTube has a FREE  keyword tool you can use and the results are downloadable to Excel. This tool will help you find the most popular keywords that your targeted audience uses and the number of competitors for it.

YouTube FREE Keyword Tool With Results

For quality content consider the following:

  • Do an honest review of the affiliate product and make a video of it.
  • Produce a “How to do” video in a step-by-step format.
  • Give tips.

Then all you do is place an affiliate link on the description and one over the video if you like.

You can also let your audience know you’re an affiliate and that the link is an affiliate link.

I would also let YouTube know you have an affiliate link for your video.

As long as your videos have value and create a great user experience that stands out more than your pitch on making money, you will be fine.

If you want to learn how to make YouTube videos, I know just the perfect place and it will take you to Wealthy Affiliate. It’s my #1 affiliate marketing training platform.

Click below and you be inside Wealthy Affiliate which is NO RISK and NO CREDIT CARD INFORMATION REQUESTED.

==> CLICK HERE For An Introduction to YouTube Marketing

#2. Take Advantage of Social Media.

People sharing on social media

People love sharing information when they have a good user experience on products and services.

You could have people following you and not even know them but you accepted their friend’s invitation.

The focus of social media is to build trust with your followers. They will get to know you better through your Profile and your helpful posts which will have your affiliate links on them.

Your posts can even become viral.

Once your followers trust you, they could get interested in your offers, click on it and purchase your affiliate product.

You could even follow relevant groups although I would exercise caution and not post your offers right away. Groups don’t want to feel like they are being scammed. Build trust first within the group by warming them up and offering your help and they will see you as an authority.

#3. A Viral Product or A Viral eBook.

World Travel Business eBook Template Design

Just go find a hot or special affiliate product and it doesn’t necessarily mean doing this with your passionate niche.

You can write an important report or a review on that hot affiliate product or service and turn it into a viral eBook.

Put an exciting cover and design to it.

Make your writing so your readers will be totally immersed in it. Make it thorough and useful.

If you make your content tweetable, your readers can click on their favourite line and tweet it to their followers all over the world.

Once your eBook is completed, simply insert your affiliate link on your offer and distribute your book anywhere you like, YouTube, eBay, other social media, and Amazon are some examples.

You can even tell your targeted audience to share it with others, put it on their website, or even give it away as a gift.

Again, you don’t need a website to do this.

Write the most awesome and inspiring 20 page eBook on that product.

Once your audience trusts you, they will buy it and be excited to share it with others.

#4. Post on Forums and Blogs.

Connecting in Online Forums

Find a product you want to promote and post it on relevant forums.

It’s important to build trust with the forums you join.

To do this, keep your blogs interesting, helpful, and maintain your transparency on the forum so you become a regular.

Your topics on your affiliate products should always be relevant.

For instance, it won’t make sense if your product is on scuba gear and you promote it on a forum that teaches how to train dogs.

Your post will most likely get deleted because they will consider it spam and unrelated. You can also be banned from the forum.

#5. Paid Traffic and Ads.

Connecting in Online Forums

There are some things to be aware of when running ads directly to your affiliate link thru Facebook and for this, I advise you to read their rules carefully.

If you’re really keen on making real money without a website using the affiliate marketing business model, this could result in some serious money investment and will take time to test your campaigns.

To see your ROI (Return on Investment), you will want to do lots of testing on your offers, campaigns, ads, in different countries and testing on mobiles.

You need to find your secret recipe, one that works.

My advice is to not do this alone. Some of the ways to do this are:

  • Network
  • Join a private forum
  • Find a mentor, other affiliates
  • Go to a conference and meet like-minded folks

If you want living proof, Charles Ngo spent around $4k running different campaign ads, until he made $75k on a campaign he was testing.

Even you run the ads, you can’t sit and do nothing. You need to test and tweak them.

When Charles found the right ingredient, he was paying for traffic around $4k and sent them to his paid ads with his affiliate offers.

Now Charles is a self-made millionaire. He does have a website now and promotes his brand (himself) giving great tips and teaches others how to be successful affiliate marketers.

About your traffic, even though you paid to get them, they don’t know you at all and so you need to build trust first which I will explain how to do that further below.

#6. Write Helpful Ads On Classified Websites.

Familiar with Kijiji and Craiglist?

All you need to do is write a quality review about your affiliate product or write a great ad, then place your affiliate link on it and post it on classified sites.

Craiglist Classified Ads Create Your Post

Don’t forget to put the pros and cons in your review too. After all, there is, no perfect product.

Some classified websites are:

eBay (Click Here)

Craigslist (Click Here)

LetGo (OLX) (Click Here)

ClassifiedAds (Click Here)

#7. Build Your Own “Hub”.

Post Your Affiliate Product Review On HubPages

A “Hub”, think of this as a 1-page mini and simple website. You don’t need to worry about finding a host for your site because it’s hosted on HubPages.

It’s a great way to really get a bit of affiliate marketing started and you don’t need to create your website from bottom up.

You don’t have to know anything about web designing and it can still look quite professional.

Your hub is just a place where you can feel like it’s your own home and talk about your passionate niche and it’s relevant affiliate products.

All you do is create a page on a great topic, write helpful quality content like reviews on products, and place your ad in it.

The place I recommend doing this is HubPages because it’s also a bit of a social networking site.

Here is an excellent video if you want to see how HubPages works…

This is a great way to get free traffic who might be interested in what you have to offer.

HubPages also does quite well in search engines so this would mean you have an opportunity to rank your review in a higher position for people to find you.

#8. Lots of Affiliate Programs. No Website Required.

Sample Of Affiliate Programs For Scuba Diving Gear

You only need to know what your passionate niche is and do some research for affiliate programs with no required website.

Here’s a trick I learned from my affiliate marketing training platform, Wealthy Affiliate: 

In your search engine, enter the following…

“your niche+ affiliate”

For example “scuba diving gear+ affiliate”

Look for the FAQ page of the companies’ commission and cookies structure so you know what they will be offering you.

They may also have a question like “How Can I Make Money With This Program” or “Do I Need a Website”.

If the site says you don’t need a website to promote their products, apply for it.

Once they approve you,  they will send you your affiliate link to post on your social media and emails.

My advice is to stick with a niche so you can develop your brand and build trust with your targeted audience.

Affiliate Marketing. The Heart Of It. Build Trust!

Affiliate marketing is all about building trust. You heard me repeat this several times.

In my opinion, running cold ads to people who don’t know you, feels like sincerity is lost.

The real heart of affiliate marketing is helping your targeted audience by providing them with solutions.

The way to do this is by building REAL HONEST TRUST:

  • Write helpful, quality content by giving value.
  • Be compassionate with commitment.
  • Be transparent.

Please don’t do COLD ADS. When you pay to get traffic, these people don’t know who you are. It will take time for you to earn their trust.

The same applies to people you’re following and vice-versa in social media. Build that trust and people will come to you.

Learn How to Get FREE Traffic and Make REAL Money the Right Way!

First, let me just do a quick summary on how to do affiliate marketing without a website to reach your audience. We went over the following:

#1. Make a YouTube Video.

#2. Take Advantage of Social Media.

#3. A Viral Product or A Viral eBook.

#4. Post on Forums and Blogs.

#5. Paid Traffic and Ads.

#6. Write Helpful Ads On Classified Websites.

#7. Build Your Own “Hub”.

#8. Lots of Affiliate Programs. No Website Required.

Whether you decide to do affiliate marketing without a website or with a website, hard work is always required.

You must be willing to persevere, never give up, and always learn new affiliate marketing techniques.

It’s a fact that successful internet and affiliate marketers have their own website(s) because it’s an automatic trust builder on their brand (that’s you and your online business).

Here’s What I Want You to Know…

Website creation today has changed immensely. Gone are the long days of coding.

Like I mentioned earlier, creating your very own website ain’t scary.

What if I told you that you can create your website within a minute.

No computer coding is required. The place to do this is inside Wealthy Affiliate.

Build Your FREE Website Here Now

You can also get FREE training in affiliate marketing and you’re welcome to stay as long as you like as a Starter Member.

Well, folks, thanks for reading and I hope you found this article helpful.

Are you already doing affiliate marketing without a website? If you are, I would be interested in knowing how this is working for you.

If you have any questions and or comments, please put them into the Comment Box below.


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