Is Purium a Scam? (Lose Weight And Make Money)

If someone handed you a FREE $50 gift card to redeem on Purium products and said you can look and feel better, and even make money wouldn’t you even be the least bit curious? Is this a scam or what?

Imagine what it would feel like to accomplish things as if you were much younger.

In this review of Purium, I’ll tell you what Purium is, what their products are, pros and cons, how their business opportunity works and whether you can really make money on it or not.

First, let me commend you for doing your research here. It’s the only way to keep yourself from being scammed and to find legitimate ways to make money online.

I also want to let you know I am not associated with Purium in any way. I have done hundreds of researches on products and write unbiased reviews on them to give you helpful information.

Let’s start…

Purium Review Summary

Purium Product Name: Purium 

Co-Founders: (1993) David Sandoval and Amy Venner-Hamdi 

Product Type: Health and Wellness (focusing on weight loss) MLM Company

Price: Free/$99/$199 + Purchase a Certain Amount of Products + Monthly Autoship Cost

Best For: People who want to feel better, look good, and make money

Summary: Purium is a legitimate MLM company with a unique recruitment system. People seem to be losing weight but in regards to making money… not good at all. In fact, 99% of the distributors are losing money.

My Rating: 2 out of 5 Stars

Is Purium Recommended? No

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What Is Purium?

Purium Featured Products

Founded in 1993 by David Sandoval and Amy Venner-Hamdi, Purium is an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) company headquartered in Rancho Dominguez, California, USA. 

Both David and Amy founded Organic by Nature. Purium manufactures natural health products ranging from weight-loss, nutrition, and anti-ageing products.

Of course, like other health and wellness MLM companies, Purium focuses primarily on their most popular weight loss product called the 10 Day Transformation.

The products in the Kit are apparently designed to help people lose as much as 8 inches 11 pounds within a 10 day period.

The reason you lose so much weight is that you only consume about 600 calories a day. It’s not a good idea to exercise in my opinion during those days because you can easily burn up at least 400 calories after a good Bootcamp workout. You’ll only feel fatigued even dizziness which is not safe.

Common sense will tell you 600 calories a day is simply not sustainable nor is it healthy.

More on the products coming up next…

Inside Purium – The Products

Purium has over 100 products and 6 categories.

  • Cleansing – A variety of supplements to help get rid of body toxins and wastes
  • Weight-Loss – A variety of shakes, meal replacements, and supplements many of which are in the 10-Day Transformation.
  • Performance – A variety of shakes and supplements, and the 10-Day Transformation specially designed for an athletes performance.
  • Family – These are unprocessed foods that are organic and non-GMO that are made up of gut health, herbal supplements for kids, healthy immune, and detox, carrot juice, glucose support products and more
  • Rejuvenate – These are products to rejuvenate your body cells, build up your muscle tissues and skin, gut health, supplements for healthy heart, healthy hair, skin, and nails, healthy prostate, immune support and more
  • Epi-Genius – These are whole food blends and vitamins for kids. This category also includes wellness food for dogs’ joints, digestion and cell growth

Purium’s 10-Day Transformation 

10 Day Transformation Pack - Weight Loss

As mentioned before, Purium’s main product is their 10-Day Transformation that sells at $249 Retail ($186.75 Wholesale) for weight loss which is made of the following:

  • Power shake – gluten-free nutrients for healthy cholesterol and blood glucose levels
  • Apothe-Cherry – antioxidants and phytochemicals
  • Super Amino 23 – vegetarian protein
  • Daily Fiber Blend Caramel Apple (10 serv.) – rice bran fibre to burn body fat
  • Super Lytes – rehydration and electrolyte supplement
  • Blender Bottle
  • Gym Bag
  • Tape Measure

Do Purium Products Work – Can You Really Lose Weight?

Purium is not the only ones to stake a claim to weight loss products.

To name just a few, Shaklee, Essante Organics, Malelucca, and Isagenix are some of Purium’s furious MLM competitors on weight loss.

Purium claims the following features of the 10-Day Transformation on their website:

  • Expect to lose 11 pounds, 8 inches in 10 days
  • Experience more energy, better sleep, and improve your gut health
  • Don’t have to exercise and still build muscles
  • This program has apparently worked for over 100,000 people

They actually say your “side effect” is your weight loss.

All quite impressive, wouldn’t you say?

Just by following the 10-Day Transformation, you’re supposed to burn fat and build muscles. Who needs to exercise anyway?

You’re going to get rid of all that addiction to salt, chemicals, sugar, carbs, and processed foods. You’ll also get rid of all that toxic buildup in your body and feel energized.

I get it. We all want to get rid of that belly fat, build muscles and feel great but I wonder at what risk are we taking by doing the 10-Day Transformation?

First, before we go on, I want to share with you what CDC Gov has to say about losing weight fast… according to them, it’s much easier to keep the weight off if you do it “gradually and steadily” like 1 to 2 pounds a week. By doing that you’ll be more successful at keeping the weight off.

If you choose to do the 10-Day Transformation, be prepared to keep your wallet out because Purium’s products are expensive. 

Here are the following steps you need to follow with the 10-Day Transformation:

10 Day Transformation Schedule

For more information, here is the PDF 

What I don’t like about Purium’s Power Shake is it has 8g of sugar for 2 scoops. If you follow the steps in the image above, that’s a total of 24g of sugar. Are you kidding? That’s too much sugar to consume a day. Imagine all that in 10 days…

In addition to the schedule image above, you can have certain kinds of fruit and vegetables which are great. You can have avocado, broccoli, cauliflower, apples, kimchi, summer squash and cucumbers. The portion is about a cup. Now you’re adding good calories finally. 

The rest is flavourings like raw honey, Himalayan sea salt, organic tropic oil and fresh lemons.

I researched in Amazon because I figured it would have the least biased reviews and what I found on Purium’s 10 Day Transformation Cleanse – Apple Berry Flavour, the ratings are:

55% – 5 Star

3%.  – 4 star

7% – 3 star

8% – 2 star

27% – 1 star

It was quite positive, agree? People like it and it works. One person talked about losing 9 pounds in 10 days. Well… there you go, the products work!

Next, I checked BBB, I didn’t find Purium but there is Organic By Nature, Inc. which is still very much alive.

Organic By Nature has a rating of A+ but that’s from them always responding back to the complainants who talk about Purium and there are no issues regarding side effects. There are just a couple of complaints about the deliveries.

There were a total of 3 complaints in the past 3 years.

Even though Purium doesn’t talk about side effects from their products, I think there’s a pretty good chance some people are experiencing the side effects of diarrhea, tummy upsets, nausea, and headaches.

Making Money With Purium – The Business Opportunity

Typical of the MLM business model, Purium offers you 2 ways to make money:

  1. Sell their products at retail prices and earn retail commissions.
  2. Build your downline by recruiting people so you can earn a residual income of commissions and bonuses generated from their sales.

How to Get Started With Purium Business Opportunity

To get started on your business, Purium offers you 2 types of Enrollment Packs:

  1. Basic Pack
  2. Launch Pack

#1. Basic Pack ($49)

The Basic Pack has a value of $250 which is made up of their Brand Partner Digital Membership which gives you entrance to their marketing and training materials online.

In addition, you’ll get 5 Gift Card Codes.

That’s it so if you’re interested in the business opportunity, the Basic Pack is not going to work well.

#2. Launch Pack (FREE/$99/$199)

Purium’s Launch Pack is made up of the following…

  • Brand Partner Digital Membership (full access to the marketing and training materials)
  • 1-year access to the online back office with a phone app
  • The Green Foods Bible written by the co-owner David Sandoval
  • Purium Shaker Bottle
  • Unlimited $50 Gift Cards for 1 year
  • 15 European Gift Cards
  • Additional bonuses when you reach the Director rank

As you can see, the Launch Pack is made up of 3 pricing options:

  1. FREE Pack –  When you join the membership is FREE but you must purchase at least $500 worth of products. Your cost is $500.
  2. $99 Pack – When you join this, you need to purchase products worth at least $250. (Your actual cost is $99 + $250 = $349)
  3. $199 Pack – This is the regular price if you’re not interested in committing to purchasing a certain amount of products.

If you want to join the business opportunity, you MUST purchase products and it’s better to do that because you need products to show your potential recruits right?

The $199 is probably not worth doing because you won’t get products. You’ll only get the marketing and training materials and all that other stuff I listed just above the 3 pricing options.

The other thing is if you want the opportunity to earn commissions and bonuses, every month you must purchase products that come to a minimum of 50 volume points.

This 50 qualifying volume (QV) points is going cost you $67.46 additional every month. If you reach your sales volume you don’t need to worry about the extra monthly cost.

Spend $67.46 to get QV of 50 points

QV = These are points put on Enrollment Packs and its purpose is for advancing your rank. The higher your QV, the higher your rank is and for that you earn more commissions and bonuses.

Purium Compensation Plan 

Here are some ways you can earn your commissions and bonuses from Purium’s Compensation Plan.

(1) Retail Sales Commission – When you sell products at retail prices, you can earn commissions from 15% to 45%. The 45% is if you’re a certified, licensed health professional.

(2) Fast Start Bonus & Fast Start Matching Bonus – When you decide to go fast in your business and recruit people and sell products, you can earn as much as $1,500 in cash bonuses. You can double it when you help your downline achieve the same. Certain criteria must be met.

(3) Achievement Bonus – This is when you help your downline achieve certain successes and you go up in rank as long as you can stay in that rank for a calendar month. You earn the one-time payouts.

(4) Lifestyle Bonuses – You can earn as much as $10,000 every month when you get to the highest-ranking levels.

(5) Profit-Sharing Pools – When you get to the highest-ranking levels, you can earn 1% to 3% of the company’s Business Volume (BV) across North America.

For more detailed information, here is a pdf of Purium’s Compensation Plan. 

I also have this video (2015 not current) which explains Purium’s Compensation in more detail. 

To be quite honest with you, on the reality side very few people are going to reach the real-money making commissions from the Lifestyle Bonuses and Profit Sharing Pools.

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What I Like About Purium

1. Unique Recruitment

Being a distributor of any MLM company is not easy when it comes to trying to recruit people. Purium knows this and so they use their Gift Card Marketing System.

Purium Gift Card Marketing System

You as a distributor will get unlimited $50 gift cards for 1 year (at no cost to you) to hand out to anyone you like. The idea behind this is it’s supposed to make it easier for you to sign up people.

When your prospect purchases a 10-Day Transformation kit by redeeming the gift card then you make $50 and of course, you can make even more when that person becomes a member.

2. 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Purium says they’re quite confident about their products and that’s why they give you this guarantee.

To return the product(s), Purium packs need to be in its entirety. Apparently, even if you used up the product, the container still needs to be returned.

You will not receive a refund on Enrollment Packs or business tools.

3. Happy Customers

Many of Purium customers/distributors are pleased with their products and are happy with their weight-loss results. 

Even BBB rated them with an A+. You can read the reviews here. 

BBB Purium positive

The products really work.

4. Years of Experience

Purium has been around since 1993, that’s well over 20 years.  The co-founders, David Sandoval is a well-known wellness expert and Amy Venner-Hamdi has over 20 years experience in the nutrition industry so you can see they have a wealth of knowledge. 

What I Don’t Like About Purium

1. Startup Cost is Expensive

If you’re really serious about joining Purium’s business opportunity with the Basic Pack of $49, your business success will be extremely low because for that price you don’t have any products. People want to see the real products and they may not even trust you.

It would be better to invest in the $99 Launch Pack and buy products worth $250 for demo purposes (which you need to do) and $250 if you want to get the experiences of using them too. The total is $99 + $500 = $599.00.

However, if you choose this option, this is expensive. 

2. Product Side Effects – Earlier I mentioned I didn’t find any complaints. Purium has reviews on their site but they are quite subjective of course. They don’t talk about the real side effects.

I guarantee you there are definitely side effects. Purium is similar to Shaklee, Isagenix, Yoli … all weight loss products have side effects and some people are more prone to them.

Some of the common complaints are diarrhea, nausea, bloating, headaches, even high blood pressure and allergies. Some don’t like the taste of the shakes and find them quite repelling. 

The best thing to do is to consult with your family doctor.

3. Very Low Earnings

This is Purium’s 2015 Income Disclosure Statement.

Purium 2015 Income Disclosure Statement

This is Purium’s 2015 to 2018 Income Disclosure Statement.

Purium 2015 to 2018 Income Disclosure Statement

There are 2 points here…

First, Purium distributors are not earning much money, in fact, over 99% of them are not making a living from this business. The average amount is less than $2,400. Do the math and it comes to less than $200 a month.

77.54% of all distributors earned a whopping average amount of $5.79 in 2015. How horribly sad!!

Second, the revelation… take a look at both disclosures, they’re both the same right? Except for the year 2018. I don’t know why Purium would leave the numbers the same and just add in 2018. Why do you think they did this?

4. Questionable Product Effectiveness

Purium products are not backed by clinical research, meaning no studies have been done to back up the claims on the 10-Day Transformation products and other products.

This doesn’t mean it’s a scam but there are of course no guarantees the products are really going to work for you. 

I really recommend taking the time to consult with your family doctor and in fact on Purium’s site they also advise you to take that action as well.

5. Products Are Overpriced

Your wholesale price when you join for example for the 10-Day Transformation Weight Loss is $186.75 for only 10 days. Their 40-Day Ultimate – Fat Burning is $299.25.

You spend that kind of money and not really know how your body is going to react to them.

The other thing to consider is just how long do you plan on consuming these products. Keeping the weight off thru products like Purium is simply not sustainable so you could end up paying a fortune.

In my opinion, it’s much cheaper to exercise at a gym or Bootcamp and eat portioned healthy foods. You’ll feel much better without the side effects too AND keep weight off longer.

7. Meet the Monthly Minimum QV(Qualify Volume) – To keep qualifying for your commissions and bonuses you must meet a monthly minimum of 50 QV as I mentioned earlier. 

8. Environmental Research Center Sues

In 2011, Purium gets sued by Environmental Research Center for having lead in some of their products. They violated the health and safety codes according to the State of California.

It appears Purium and their affiliated company Organic By Nature settled matters in 2015 by paying fines and meeting certain conditions and corrections. 

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Is Purium a Pyramid Scheme? Is it a Scam?

Purium is not a pyramid scheme because it has real products. They are also not a scam. If they were, this company would have been gone a long time ago. The fact that it’s been around since 1993 says a lot about them already. 

What I like about Puritan is their unique recruitment method. Instead of the traditional way, they use their Gift Cards!

BUT having said all this I still don’t recommend them.

Should you make this your business opportunity? It’s definitely your choice. However, I hope you remember that I showed you that less than 1% of the distributors made a decent amount of income.

The only ones who win are the people who joined early when the company first got into their MLM business and of course the owners themselves.

Diet companies will never tell you how to lose weight because if they did they would lose money. They also know that most dieters gain the weight back.

Purium is like so many other MLM weight loss companies because they make money when you fail. If you lost weight for good you won’t be a repeat customer.

Want to See How We Are Making Money?

You probably already know I’m not a huge fan of MLM. I’ve been there and done that 3 times! I was involved with health and wellness, candles, and skincare MLM companies.

The other reason I don’t like MLM is face-to-face selling. I’m not comfortable doing that and the home parties, well that’s just not me. Do you feel the same way??

I’m sure you’re also quite aware by now that I am an affiliate marketer. 

That’s because it’s the BEST way to make money online. The Affiliate Marketing Business model is my #1 recommendation and it will always be.


  • No recruiting
  • No face to face selling
  • Promote any product(s)/services your heart desires. You’re not stuck with just promoting products from an MLM company.

I must warn you first… affiliate marketing like MLM requires hard work, patience, and perseverance. You’re not going to make money overnight. It might take you 5 months, 1 year, maybe even 5 years or longer before you make a decent amount of money because it really depends on your commitment. 

You need to treat your online business like a REAL BUSINESS! By doing that, you have one of the best opportunities to make a sustainable lifetime income doing affiliate marketing. If you’re not ready to do this, then it might be better to move on. 

If you’re ready…you need the right training.

I’m also a member of Wealthy Affiliate, and yes, it’s also my #1 recommendation for the best online affiliate marketing training platform that teaches you how to make real long-term income the right way. 

Meet Brok… CLICK HERE to read his story.

Brokwebb's success story

Well, what do you think? Are you ready?

CLICK HERE - Ultimate Guide To Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

Thank you for reading my review of Purium. I hope I was able to provide you with helpful information.

Do you have any questions or comments? It would be awesome to hear from you. If you are a member or ex-member of Purium, I would like to get your feedback.

Kind Regards,


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