The Super Affiliate Network Review – Misha Wilson’s Secrets

Live your lifestyle of freedom. Learn from the youngest online entrepreneur, Misha Wilson. His secrets are revealed in The Super Affiliate Network Review.

There are many young successful online entrepreneurs and Misha  Wilson is certainly right there in the line of multi-millionaires.

In fact, in The Super Affiliate Network, he’s going to show you exactly how he achieved his successes.

However, I must WARN you to keep your money in your wallet until you’ve read this review first!

Let me take a moment to congratulate you for taking the time to do your research here. It’s how to find legitimate ways to make money online.

I also want to tell you I’m in no way affiliated with The Super Affiliate Network.

I’ve done lots of reviews and want to ensure people are not scammed.

Let’s get on with the review…

The Super Affiliate Network Short Review Summary

Marketing With MishaProduct Name:  The Super Affiliate Network (SAN) 

Founder: Misha Wilson

Product Type: Online Affiliate Marketing Training Platform

Price: $37 Monthly and Upsells to $24,997

Best For: Misha, the Founder and anyone who has the money to invest.

Summary:  While The Super Affiliate Network is NOT a scam, you’ll end up spending a lot of money to make money. Because the training focuses on email marketing and Solo Ads you’ll be paying extra for your paid traffic. The way you’ll be making money is by marketing their membership. 

My Rating: 45 out of 100

Is The Super Affiliate NetworkRecommended? No

Check Out My #1 Recommendation It's FREE To Join

What Is The Super Affiliate Network?

Here is a video of Misha Wilson speaking to his audience…

The Super Affiliate Network is a video training and community platform with a mission of teaching people how to be successful in their own online business.

Misha created a lot of hype because he’s the youngest multi-millionaire in the internet world. He hit his 6 figure income by the age of 24.

Misha Wilson - Owner of The Super Affiliate Network

Misha has this knack of bringing large amounts of traffic to anything and wherever he wants and turning them into high-tickets sales.

He’s helped millions of people thru his online teaching practices on generating fast traffic and conversions. This is what Misha teaches inside The Super Affiliate Network platform.

So because of this, Misha should have pretty good training, right??

Let’s find out…

The Super Affiliate Network (SANS) Products 

Training Modules

The Super Affiliate Network products are made up of courses (memberships) and upsells.

Their membership is broken into 3 categories:

1.   Basic Membership ($37 monthly)

This membership is an introduction to SANS online affiliate marketing training.

The Basic Membership is made of 21 video modules which are broken into their Bootcamp (3 phases). You need to do 1 module a day and do the quiz which your assigned coach will go over with you. You can’t go into the next module without doing the quiz because they will have it locked.

They do this to ensure you have a solid understanding of each module.

The courses consist of the following:

  • Email Marketing
  • Sales Funnels
  • List Building
  • Selling Process
  • Automation
  • Followup
  • Mindset
  • Psychology
  • One on One Coaching
  • Online Coaching Every Monda
  • Monthly Webinars with Misha 
  • Monthly Newsletter in Video Format
  • Monthly Access to Their Facebook Group

At the end of each module, there are tasks that need to be completed.

You can join for $1 and get a 30 Day Trial and your second month thereafter is $47 a month.

If you decide not to go for the Trial, you can join for $37/month and save $10.00 every month.

At this point, you’re probably thinking the price is reasonable, right?  However,  your coach is going to push you to spend more money only this time it’s on their upsells. This is where I urge caution because from this point on, your costs are going to add up.

The good part is SAN does have their 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee and so if you don’t like their training platform you can ask for your money back within the 30 days.

If you become an affiliate for SAN, for every Basic Membership, you sell they give you a 70% commission on it.


Upsell #1: Super Affiliate Monthly Newsletter ($47 One-Time Fee)

This is another one-time special deal offer that is presented to you at the time you signup on their order form.

Every month, Misha gives a monthly newsletter presented on a video to every customer who purchased this.  It comes with various topics of what’s been working well in his business and tips on how to implement them into your own business. 

This product also has a 30-day money back guarantee.

Upsell #2. Premium Membership – Solo Ad Success Formula ($297 One-Time Fee)

This Premium Membership is a one-time special deal offer during your Basic Membership purchase. 

It gives you access to the SAN “Solo Ad Success Formula” course and is a more in-depth understanding of their email marketing strategies. 

For this training product, they have a 30-day money back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with it. 

2. PRO Membership ($2,997 One-Time Fee)

This Pro Membership is also a one-time fee from which you receive more in-depth training on how to operate your business and dig more into their marketing strategies. 

This covers a lot of what you learn in the previous training above along with NEW products:

  • Ready-Made Ad Swipe Copy
  • Autoresponder rebate for one month
  • Free link tracking for 3 months
  • Weekly training replays
  • Course on how to increase conversions
  • Pro Monthly  Immersion Replays – webinar replays
  • The Solo Ad Success Formula
  • Systematic Profits (NEW)
  • Authority Hacks (create your own cashflow) (NEW)
  • The Magnetic Selling Machine covers traffic (NEW)
  • The Push Button Profits Swipe File (NEW) – 100 different swipe files that are high converting for emails, how to do storytelling, soap opera sequences. These for the ready-made morning and evening emails.

In addition, you’ll also have access to their Private Facebook Group (for Pro Members only), Monthly Immersion Coaching and Weekly Pro Coaching where you can voice your opinions on their products.

The SAN also says if they have any new products in this Pro Membership, they will give it to you at no additional charge.

As a PRO member, you can promote their Basic, and PRO memberships and earn potentially bigger commissions like $1,000 when people buy the PRO membership.

Now the scary part is, they offer you a 2 tier commission structures on which you can earn 20% on the members in your team.

PRO Commissions Program

I’d be careful of this as this could look like a pyramid scheme.

3. Maui Intensive Mentoring ($12, 497  for 6 months to $24,997 for 1 year)

This is really expensive even though their program is considered good.

This is a 4-day fun excursion event in Maui, Hawaii, paid by SAN which you get to hang out with masterminds like Misha. For the price you’re paying, I think they make good use of what you’re paying on this. 

During this live mentoring, you’ll learn to really build your online business using their sales funnels. They’ll have webinar presentations, go over their email marketing strategies and much more.

They’ll cover basically everything you learned from your PRO Membership but with a hand-holding mentorship

To do the Maui membership, you need to be in touch with your coach and must have finished their Bootcamp training.

On the last day, they take you on a snorkel trip and do some whale watching, walk along the beach, and dinner is included. 

What I Like About The Super Affiliate Network

1.   100% 30-Day Refund on Selected Products 

Refund Policy

When I do reviews, this is one of the first things I look for. It tells me Misha honestly believes his training products really work.

Of course, he can’t please everyone, so if you’re not satisfied, he’ll give you a 100% refund as long as it’s within your 30 days of purchase. 

I advise you to read SAN’s refund policy for actual instructions on how to do this.

2.   Detailed Step-By-Step Training

Easy for beginners to follow. 

The training inside the platform is done by comprehensive step-by-step video training that is well detailed. Each module is released daily and at the end, there are specific tasks that must be completed.

Your coach is with you all the time so you can ask questions and get answers without a long wait.

3.   Misha is Definitely a Real Person

What I like about Misha, is he shows his face. He’s authentic, real and definitely not an actor.

He’s very well-known in the internet world and he wouldn’t want his reputation tarnished by selling scammy training products. 

4.   That $1 Trial is Fantastic

Really? This is an awesome offer!

5.   Your Personal Coach

It’s quite impressive to have your coach with you all the way in the Bootcamp training

What I Don’t Like

1.   Expensive Membership Upsells

The Pro and the Maui Memberships are really expensive and it’s simply not affordable for a lot of people. 

Even though I said the training is easy, if you’re a beginner you might be overwhelmed not only by the price but also with all the new skills you’ll be learning. 

2.   What?? No Website? Your Training Is All On Email Marketing!

The Super Affiliate Network does not teach you how to get organic FREE traffic because the training focuses all on email marketing. 

This presents a few challenges:

First, you’ll have additional expenses to pay like paid ads and traffic, an autoresponder and so your costs will add up. 

The second is, you haven’t built any authority because you don’t have a website. Your traffic is not going to warm up to you easily because they don’t know you.

So you end up ‘chasing’ people instead of having people come to you. NO TRAFFIC = $0 !!

Third, you’re limited in knowledge of the real fundamentals of having a real online business. The only thing you’ll learn is how to do Solo Ads and email marketing to promote your affiliate products and that’s it.

I’m not saying it’s wrong to market your online business using email marketing strategy BUT it’s much MORE EFFECTIVE to do this with a website and get your FREE organic traffic to trust you first and have them come to you. Once your business matures then do the email marketing.

PS: Creating a website ain’t scary! Trust me and I’ll share how you can do this for FREE if you keep reading to the end.

3.  The Appearance of A Pyramid Scheme

Pyramid Scheme Infographic

Let me make this clear!

I’m saying The Super Affiliate Network is NOT a pyramid scheme,  however, I will say, they have the features of being one, here’s why…

A pyramid scheme is a type of business model whereby in order to make money you have to bring or recruit people. It’s also a business that has no products or services for people to buy.

Fortunately, The Super Affiliate Network has products to sell and they succeed to continue their business because they have ‘quality’ training products and so they’re not considered a pyramid scheme.

Their training claims to teach you how to have an online business and make thousands and thousands of dollars on the internet.

BUT the reality is, you have to purchase The Super Affiliate Network’s high ticket membership training products ($30,000). They tell you they have everything done for you. You have little work effort.

The only way to make money is you have to drive traffic and recruit them into The Super Affiliate Network’s platform.

I’m always cautious about platforms like this and I just want to give you a ‘heads’ up.  

There are online businesses like MOBE and Digital Altitude who have been shut down by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission).

4.   You’re Only Promoting The Super Affiliate Network’s Products

The training you receive is only focused on promoting The Super Affiliate Network’s memberships.

What if you want to promote Amazon products or say you have your own passionate niche you want to target to?  Can you do that here? No…

Check Out My #1 Recommendation It's FREE To Join

Is The Super Affiliate Network A Scam Or Is It Legit?

The Super Affiliate Network is not a scam and as I said, Misha is definitely real and well known in the affiliate industry.

I like how his training is detailed in a step by step manner and how you’re made accountable to do what they tell you to do. This is how you get yourself on a journey of success.

BUT Misha’s training is focused on getting you to make fast money thru his email marketing training. You won’t make long-term passion income this way. 

The BAD part too is you have no website.

There’s no education on how SEO (Search Engine Optimization) works and so you’re missing your opportunity to apply those skills to get your FREE organic traffic. This is why you have to ‘chase’ people.

Sure you’re getting some free traffic thru YouTube but there are billions of people searching in search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo who are looking for all kinds of niche products and services to solve their needs and issues.

Google Search Statistics

Do you only want to promote The Super Affiliate Network’s training products and pay a lot of money to do that??

A Better Solution – How We Make Money

Making fast money is not usually the best way because you’re not really making long-term passive income.

Want To Learn The Proper Way of Online Affiliate Marketing?

There are over 1.4 million people, who have their own online business with their own passionate niche. They are all members of Wealthy Affiliate, my #1 Recommended Online Affiliate Marketing Training platform. You probably heard of them.

I’m also a member of Wealthy Affiliate.


No Credit Card Asked or $49/month or Less Than $1/Year To Go Full-Time


What you’ll learn in Wealthy Affiliate’s platform is how to make passive income that will be long-term and have your FREE targeted audience come to you. They will trust and buy from you because you’ll have your own website, one you can be proud of. 

I hope you found my review of The Super Affiliate Network helpful. If you have any questions or comments it would be awesome to hear from you. Just put them in the Comment Box below and I’ll get back to you.

Thanks for reading,


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