Jaaxy Review – Best Keyword Tool For SEO? Truth Exposed!

What’s Jaaxy About? This review exposes the truth of an unfair advantage in the SEO world. Is it really the best keyword research tool for SEO?

Search SEO Online Internet Browsing Web Concept

According to Internet Live Stats, there are over 3.5 billion search queries performed a day on average.

Google Translates Billions of Searches Daily

Can you picture this?

Imagine how long it could take you to find the search queries (keywords) your group of people (your niche) are entering in their search engine like Google, Yahoo, and Bing?

This is why it’s so important for you as online marketers to find these lucrative search queries with less competition quickly and get your site ranking on Google’s 1st page.

Having the right keyword research tool can save you a ton of time and allow more time to spend on other areas of your online business.

This review is my actual insight into Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool. I use it every day to search for quality search terms that my group of targeted audience use when looking for solutions.

I’ll be honest with you, I’m also an affiliate member of Jaaxy’s platform.

As you read on, you’ll find out why Jaaxy has such an unfair advantage over the world of affiliate marketing and SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Jaaxy Gives You Your Competitive Advantage HereProduct Name: Jaaxy
Founder: Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim
Product Type: Keyword and Research Tool Platform + MORE
Price: FREE 30 Searches/Pro = $49 Monthly/Enterprise = $99 Monthly
Best For: Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced Internet and Affiliate Marketers


Summary: Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool is my #1 Recommended tool for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  It’s the most powerful and advanced Niche and Keyword Research platform in its industry. Simple to use and produces accurate results quickly.

My Rating: 97 out of 100
Is Jaaxy Recommended? Yes

Click Here For Your FREE 30 Keyword Searches

What Jaaxy Is. Advanced Keyword Research Tool

Jaaxy is a simple, yet the most powerful and advanced Niche and Keyword Research Platform in its industry.

It’s specifically designed and developed by 2 successful affiliate marketers, Kyle and Carson.

They also own their world-famous #1 Recommended Wealthy Affiliate online affiliate marketing training platform, of which I am a proud member.

Jaaxy is web-based and so there is no requirement to download this.

If you’re new to keyword tools, let me briefly explain what this means.

Google is the world’s largest search engine.

Your goal as an internet or affiliate marketer is to get your articles ranked on Google’s first page. The idea is to get your FREE targeted audience coming to your site to click on your helpful solutions.

However, to be on the first page, your article needs to have the right keyword (search terms) to help Google figure out the right algorithm to rank your article under.

Enter Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool. It’s so unique because it helps you find tons of different keyword ideas very quickly to help build out your content.

In addition to finding your valuable keywords, you can also use it to find affiliate programs, domain names and your niche (your targeted group of people).

In my opinion, you just don’t find this in most other tools.

What I enjoy the most is getting useful data on each keyword Jaaxy generates like its potential traffic, competition, search volume and whether it’s good or not.

Inside Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool. Features

Before we get into the Features…

Here’s an interesting video from Kyle, a co-owner of Jaaxy. If you wonder why Jaaxy has an unfair advantage in the SEO world. It’s their strategies!

Learn How to Get Keywords Ranked With Low Hanging Fruit

Jaaxy has 7 useful features that will benefit your online business to it’s journey to success.

Feature 1. Keyword Research – Jaaxy At Its Best

This is the main feature of Jaaxy. I use this faithfully when I’m looking for a topic to write about.

It’s where you really want to hang out and get precise analyses on keywords to target for your topic.

Feature 1 - Keyword Research

This feature is super easy to use and the results are extremely reliable and comprehensive.

It’s vital to ensure any research tool is accurate otherwise you risk the opportunity of never ranking in search engines.

Simply enter a keyword in and in seconds, Jaaxy will spew out a bunch of relevant keywords.

Now I know you might be new to keyword researching so I’ll explain what the column headings mean in my screenshot.

AVG Column – Stands for Average. This shows your average number of searches that this targeted keyword receives a month.

Traffic Column – This is the number of visits that come to your website if you achieve your rankings on the first page in search engines.

QSR Column – Stands for Quoted Search Results. This is your number of competing websites (competitors) who are ranking in Google for this exact keyword.

KQI Column – Stands for Keyword Quality Indicator. Green is Great. Yellow is OK. Red is Poor. This helps identify if the particular keyword is good to use or not.

SEO Column – This is a score based on traffic and competition. It uses the scale of 1 – 100 and the higher the score is the particular keyword will more likely rank on the first page. The higher the score is the better the keyword is.

Domain Column – This shows the availability of domains which are related to the particular keyword. (.com, .net, .org)

See how easy this is to understand? In fact, when you’re inside Jaaxy, you can hover your mouse on the “?” beside any of these headings and it will reveal this same explanation.

Feature 2. Alphabet Soup

This is one of my favourite features and was added in 2017.

There are millions and millions of people entering keywords in so you should never run out of finding keywords.

However, in the event, you are having trouble finding a niche or feel like you can’t find any more keywords, turn to the Alphabet Soup.

Just enter a simple keyword or topic and drag the slider bar for each alphabet (A – Z) and it will display massive amounts of suggestions.

Feature 2 - Alphabet Soup

I typed in the word, “niche” and I’m only on the letter A.

I already found “how to find a niche” and “how to find a profitable niche market” that I really like.

Wow… this is absolutely amazing! If I went thru the entire alphabet I’m sure I will have hundreds if not thousands more of keywords on the word “niche”.

WARNING: You can have a lot of fun and play with this a long time just pick one out and start writing your awesome content.

Jaaxy’s process is based on using Google’s search browser so by entering a word like “niche” for example it will predict what people have been looking for.

You can save these basic keyword ideas into your brainstorm list.

The next thing you want to do is use your saved Brainstorm List and put them into Jaaxy’s Feature 1 Keyword Research.

By doing this, you can narrow your basic “niche” keyword and have it analyzed on the number of competitors and so on.

Now you can write helpful content on your #1 hottest and profitable “niche” keyword to your targeted group of audience and get it ranking.

3. Keyword List Manager – Saved Lists. Manage Your Keywords

Feature 3 - Saved Keywords

It’s easy to come up with lots of keywords in Jaaxy and it would be a lot of work to copy and paste to put on an Excel spreadsheet.

Inside Jaaxy, for every one of your favourite keywords, you can save them into categories and do comparisons anytime you like.

Feature 4. Search Analysis

Want to know how your competitors are ranking?

Feature 4 Search Analysis on Competitor

These come from Google’s first page results and you can analyze your competitors’ real ranking information using Jaaxy based on your desired keyword.

You’ll see their information on:

  • Number of Words
  • Link On The Site
  • Backlinks
  • Alexa Rank
  • Whether they use Adsense or not
  • Meta Description
  • Meta Keywords

Every business has competitors so getting the edge on them is a real advantage.

This kind of information can really help your article outrank your competitors.

Feature 5. Affiliate Programs

Feature 5 Affiliate Programs

If you’re an affiliate marketer and can’t find relevant affiliate programs, I think you’ll find this feature very helpful and convenient. You don’t need to spend time researching on the search engine.

Jaaxy has 4 affiliate program networks:

All you do is choose which affiliate marketing network you want to check out. Enter a keyword like “scuba diving” and you’ll see a list of product websites with their relevant products/services.

If you see something you like you can join that network and promote their relevant products.

Feature 6. Brainstorm

Jaaxy is also more than a keyword tool, it also brainstorms.

Feature 6 Brainstorming

Are you lost for some great ideas? Brainstorm is a wonderful feature to have when you want to find the latest trends.

Jaaxy gives you 4 popular Brainstorms:

  • Google Trends
  • Alexa Topics
  • Amazon Best Sellers
  • Twitter Trends

Instead of “pulling your hair out” looking for what to write about, Check Brainstorm and get quick ideas.

7. Site Rank

This Site Rank is THE BEST! If you want to see how your keyword is ranking in Google, Yahoo, and Bing, this is where you want to be.

Just enter your keyword and website URL into Jaaxy which will do a search and show its ranking position quickly.

It will also let you know if your keyword rank went up or down by an up arrow or down arrow.

Feature 7 Get Your Site Rank

In the case of the screenshot, you can see my keyword ranking went down. Although it’s still on page 1, position 3.

If you want it visual, It will show a graphical keyword performance of its ranking position,

How to Use the Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool

So now you have a bird’s eye view of Jaaxy’s 7 features, it’s time to take a look at how to use Jaaxy.

There are 3 ingredient rules to apply in order to find that hot and profitable keyword:

  1. The keyword must make grammatical sense.
  2. Look for Competition (QSR) under 100. Less is better right?
  3. The Average (AVG) search should be 100+

Since I also enjoy playing the piano, I entered “best keyboards for beginners” and if you take a look at the screenshot just below

Jaaxy Keyword for Best Electronic Keyboards For Beginners

The one I decided to choose was “best electronic keyboards for beginners” because it narrows the topic to a more specific targeted group of audience.

The results after the search:

  • It makes grammatical sense
  • QSR = 41
  • AVG = 120

With this keyword “best keyboards for beginners” I can now write helpful and unique content on the topic and my targeted group of people are going to read it and hopefully accept my solution offer.

The Cost of Jaaxy

Jaaxy has 3 membership plans.

1. FREE Starter Membership

This is the FREE Trial version and it’s the one I recommend to get started. Once you’re comfortable trying it, you’ll want to move on to the Pro version which is what I use.

As a FREE Starter Member, you will get the following:

  • 30 Keyword Searches
  • 20 Search Results
  • Website Analyzer
  • Affiliate Program Finder
  • Keyword List Manager
  • 30 Site Rank Analysis Scans

I started with the free one and it gave me all the information I was looking for at the time until I ran out of my limit of 30 free keyword searches.

Like I say, start with this FREE trial first.

2. Pro Membership ($49/month)

This is the one I have been using for a couple of years now. It gives me more information.

The Jaaxy Pro Membership will give you everything the FREE Starter Membership offers in addition to:

  • Unlimited Search History
  • Search Results are Sortable
  • Search Analysis
  • Manual QSR Searches
  • Manual Domain Searches
  • Alphabet Soup Up To 15 Letters
  • 2000 Site Rank Analysis Scans

There may be times when the Manual QSR search results don’t appear and all you have to do is just click on it.

3. Enterprise Membership ($99/month)

If you’re looking for faster load times, you might want to consider this option.

For this, you get everything the Pro Membership offers.

The difference is everything is faster and automated. You also get unlimited keyword lists.

In my opinion, I find the Pro is perfect and absolutely gives me everything I need and the load time is actually pretty good too.

When you’re starting out, I suggest going with the FREE Starter Trial version and eventually going with the Pro.

If you’re a “real go-getter”, in that case, consider going with this Enterprise Membership.

Here is a shot of the Pricing and details for the 3 memberships.

Jaaxy's 3 Different Membership Prices

CLICK HERE - Join Jaaxy For FREE

What I Like About Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool

1. Easy and Friendly To Use, Yet Powerful and Advanced Tool.

There are lots of keyword tools around on the internet but they’re too overloaded with technical information in my opinion.

The bells and whistles are not needed and in fact, instead of impressing you, they’re very confusing.

I say… keep it simple as long as you get the vital information you need which Jaaxy gives you, then that’s all you need.

Jaaxy’s platform is easy and straightforward. Even though the tool is very advanced and powerful, you get exactly the information you need and not in techie terms.

Seriously, Jaaxy is all you need.

2. More Than a Keyword Tool.

Jaaxy offers more than a keyword research tool and all the features listed are all very useful and relevant.

It saves a ton of time and no hopping around in search engines. Everything is here in one Jaaxy platform.

You can:

  • Find niches
  • Brainstorm ideas
  • Get domain names availability
  • Use their famous Alphabet Soup
  • Get Site Rank Analysis
  • Find Affiliate Programs
  • Get Competition Analysis

These are all the features I talked about earlier.

3. Reliable and Accurate Search Results.

No one wants unreliable results, and that can be a disaster for your online business.

I’ve been using Jaaxy since December 2015. I can tell you if it wasn’t reliable this review would not a good one.

Jaaxy has helped me make my sales.

Getting accurate information on the number of competitors and traffic and having an indicator to let you know if it’s good or not, this is GOLD!

4. Revelation of Profitable and Hottest Keywords.

I find lots of profitable hot keywords and quite honestly I have never run out of ideas.

5. Fast Results.

Even the FREE Starter Trial gives fast results so you can imagine how fast the other membership options are.

6. Anyone Can Use Jaaxy.

Beginners, intermediate and advanced internet and affiliate marketers can use Jaaxy.

Perfect for bloggers, freelance writers, niche searchers, domain flippers and the list goes on.

I Don’t Like On Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool

My only 1 complaint!

1. Not In English!

Jaaxy is such a huge wow for me but I feel it’s a restriction to have this valuable tool only in English.

Many other tools I’ve seen on the internet are also in English.

I think Jaaxy is missing a huge opportunity because it’s not able to help the many non-speaking internet and affiliate marketers in the world who don’t speak English or don’t know the language well enough for it to be useful.

Some Alternatives To Jaaxy

1. Google Keyword Planner

You might already be familiar with Google Keyword Planner because it’s owned by Google.

Not only is it an ALL FREE Google Ads tool, but it’s also a keyword research tool, but as popular as it is among many users, it doesn’t give accurate or useful data in my opinion.

For instance, their “Avg monthly searches” are shown as a range of 1k – 10k.

Google Keyword Planner Tool

The functions and data are designed more for marketers using Google Ads.

For instance, the information they provide to you is geared for researching keywords for PPC (Pay Per Click) which is different from Jaaxy’s Keyword Research Tool which researches keywords for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

So if you want to generate FREE Traffic, Jaaxy is the perfect keyword research tool.

2. There are many other research tools like:

  • Market Samurai  (12-day free trial, after that $97 a year, but researching on SEO competition is not great.
  • LongTail Pro (7-day free trial, after that $297 a year with other plans). If you’re not doing PP then Jaaxy is a better tool.

Jaaxy’s Affiliate Program

In case you don’t know this yet, but Jaaxy also has a very lucrative affiliate program.

If you can’t think of a niche, you might want to consider promoting Jaaxy.

Jaaxy's Lucrative Affiliate Program

Want To Try Jaaxy For FREE And Get Special Bonuses?

Once you join Jaaxy as a FREE Starter Member, you will get 3 Special Bonuses.

Bonus 1: Download 1,000 FREE Hot and Profitable Low Competition Keywords

These hand-picked keywords from Jaaxy are going to help you on your journey for SEO success.

Bonus 2: Download To Get Your Hot Researched Niches and Learn How To Use Jaaxy and Find Profitable Niches Within Minutes.

If you are stuck on finding your niche, this handbook is invaluable.

This is your ultimate handbook to uncovering winning niches on Jaaxy.

Bonus 3: Learn The Secrets Of The Domain Industry Using Jaaxy.

Having your own domain name is like gold. It’s your real estate.

In this guide, you learn how to find low-cost rich keyword domains and make big $ by selling them for more.

Learn how to flip domains. You can make this your online business.

There are also 3 excellent videos waiting for you to watch inside Jaaxy.

  • Jaaxy Keyword and Research Management Video
  • Jaaxy Website Research and Analysis Video
  • Niche Research Refinement Video

Are you ready to take the giant leap into the world of Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool?


I hope my review of Jaaxy was helpful for you.

Are you using Jaaxy? If you are, I would like to hear your thoughts on it. What do you like or don’t like about Jaaxy?

If you have any questions or comments, please put them in the Comment Box below and I promise I will respond back.

Thanks for reading,


8 thoughts on “Jaaxy Review – Best Keyword Tool For SEO? Truth Exposed!”

  1. Such a wonderful, thorough review of the Jaaxy Keyword Research tool.  I use this tool as part of my Wealthy Affiliate Premium membership, and honestly, I don’t know how I would do this business half as well without it.  It is one of the most valuable tools in my business.  Every article I name, I use it.  Every Youtube Video I create, I use it.  It’s fantastic, and I want to thank you for bringing this to the attention of people who could really benefit their business by using it.

    • Hi Babsie,

      Thank you for reading my review and I appreciate your awesome comment!

      I agree, I certainly can’t do without Jaaxy


  2. Wow! Thanks so much for this detailed Jaaxy review. Honestly, what I just read here is pushing me to want to start using the 30 free searches I have on Jaaxy but I’m still a rookie blogger and still in the process of setting myself up as an online presence. 

    Having an opportunity to peep into competitors is one of the reasons I would like about Jaaxy. At least, one would be able to point out what they do better. I never knewJaaxy has an affiliate option too. Even though I have read about Jaaxy this is the first time I have read about the affiliate opportunity on Jaaxy. Thanks so much for this detailed review.

    • Hi Rodger,

      Thank you for reading my review and I appreciate your comment.

      Yes, please feel free to use the 30 free searches on Jaaxy’s platform. You definitely won’t regret it. Go inside and browse around and try everything out. Jaaxy has a very lucrative affiliate program as you can see from the review and you can do very well on it.

      Have fun!


  3. Thank you for a very interesting and informative post. 

    I have been using Jaaxy for a short time but so far not really gone in to what it can do. I have really only skimmed the surface.

    Most people tend to be time poor, too much to do and not enough hours in the day, so this is very helpful. 

    I now know so much more about Jaaxy and what it can do which is a great help. I also had no idea how much it can do.

    I found the facts about the amount of people doing searches astounding and mind boggling, really makes you think.

    All in all a comprehensive post that covers everything.

    • Hi Linda,

      Thank you so much for reading my review and I appreciate your comment.

      Having a tool like Jaaxy giving accurate results can save you a lot of time.

      I know what you mean… having billions of people doing that many searches are totally astounding. So much for the encyclopedia, Every piece of information we can think of is all on the internet.



  4. Hi, I read your article very carefully. I am very excited to read your article because I have learned many important tips about Jaaxy and I can see why it’s the best keyword tool for SEO. It’s very difficult to choose a perfect keyword for business work.  I agree Jaaxy is a great online keyword finder tool and a niche keyword tool that will reduce keyword research efforts down to a bare minimum. I like Jaaxy because it has a fast and reliable support team, ready to answer you in a timely and useful fashion. Thanks for sharing this post.

    • Hi Jannatul,

      You’re welcome and thanks for reading my review and I appreciate your comment.

      I’m very happy to hear you learned important tips and I hope they will help in your online business going forward.

      Jaaxy support is amazing!



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