Is Amazing Selling Machine a Scam? (YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS!)

Are you looking for a $305 billion opportunity? Amazing Sell Machine (ASM) will tell you they can show how to build your business from scratch just by using Amazon’s power. Some people think ASM is a scam. Is it worth it? BUT before you think of joining, there are some things you need to know on this.

Did you know there’s a $177 billion dollar opportunity from one of the largest retail corporations in the internet world?

Can you guess who that is?

Yep, that’s Amazon!

Nowadays with internet access and technology for E-Commerce worldwide, people are earning an incredible amount of money.

Imagine starting a business that requires physical products. It means not only spending money to build up an inventory but you also need a warehouse.

If you’re looking for a business opportunity and want to know how to leverage the Amazon power, please follow me on this review of the Amazing Selling Machine.

Amazing Selling Machine Review Summary

Amazing Selling Machine is responsiveProduct Name: Amazing Selling Machine 

Founder: Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback

Type of Product: Training platform on Amazon FBA

Cost: $4,997 for the membership +

Good For: People who have the capital to invest.

Overall Rating:  3.85 out of 5 Stars

Recommended: Yes

Summary: Amazing Selling Machine is a legitimate online business. If you want to join you will need to have the capital to invest. In my opinion, even though they are way over-priced, their Amazon FBS training is one of the best. The members who went thru the entire training and work hard are making money. I do recommend their training platform. 

A Better Way - CLICK HERE For My #1 Recommendation. It's FREE to Join!

What Is Amazing Selling Machine (ASM)?

ASM is a proven training platform that leverages the business model of Amazon’s FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon). 

It’s a step-by-step program that teaches everything you need to know about building a successful online Amazon business with physical products.

Founded in 2012 by Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback, the company has over 30,000 members in over 138 countries.

Co founders Jason Katzenback and Matt Clark of Amazing Selling Machine

What’s impressive is they have continually been making updates to their courses as Amazon evolves. In fact, they launched 9 versions so far and each one is better than the previous.

Their last version ASM9 was released April 17, 2018.

Before I go on with ASM, let me just tell you a bit about Amazon FBA…

The Way Amazon FBA Works

Here’s a great video that gives an explanation of how Amazon’s FBA works.

As you can see, Amazon is an eCommerce business and it starts with the following process:

  1. Find your profitable products to sell.
  2. Communication with suppliers (Alibaba – China).
  3. Find a shipper to ship these products.
  4. Order products at wholesale prices.
  5. Get products shipped to Amazon’s warehouse.
  6. Rank/optimize your site to get your products listed on the first page of Amazon’s site.
  7. Customers on Amazon purchases your product(s).
  8. Amazon looks after the rest (shipping, handling, customer service).

If you think this process is drop-shipping, it definitely isn’t. The reason it isn’t is that you have to find a shipper to ship your products to Amazon’s warehouse.

Amazon’s FBA process looks easy but there’s a lot more detailed work that goes into this.

You also have to know how to rank, that is, get your product to appear on Amazon’s first page and that takes some knowledge.

Enter ASM and this is where they really show their expertise!

A Better Way - CLICK HERE For My #1 Recommendation. It's FREE to Join!

What’s Inside Amazing Selling Machine (ASM)?

5 key components of Amazing Selling Machine

ASM has over 120 lessons so stay focused on their training.

Including their latest re-launching of ASMX and version ASM9, you’ll have access to the following:

There are 5 Components which I’ll tell you about:

  1. 8 Week Step-By-Step Video Module Lessons 
  2. Mentorship Program 
  3. Exclusive Membership
  4. Private Resource Vault 
  5. Automation Tool Suite 

Also included is their Live Chat, updates, and 8 Weekly Live Online Group Coaching sessions hosted by Mike McClary and Rich Henderson.

1) 8 Week Step-By-Step Training Module

This is a total of 120 videos with tasks.

First, you’ll get the Welcome Module – ASM’s Process and Mindset

The module takes approximately 2 hours to complete and has 13 lessons (topics) with it. You’ll get the walk-thru of their site orientation and a general basic explanation of Amazon’s FBA.

Module 1: How to Build Your Product Opportunity List

In this module of 19 lessons, you’ll get a tour around Amazon’s market place, learn how to pick your hot products and set up your international accounts to do transfers.

Module 2: Suppliers, Samples, and Product Profitability (10 lessons)

You’ll learn how to:

  • Build an online presence
  • Find suppliers in China
  • Get an understanding of how Amazon fees work
  • Get product samples to test
  • Get the actual cost of your products and profits 

Module 3: Order Your Inventory, Brand Creation (15 lessons)

This is where you start using your product samples and test them out.

You’ll learn the following:

  • How to choose the best supplier
  • How to make the highest profit
  • Inventory process and make your first order
  • How to start your product list
  • Build your brand for your online business

Module 4: Build Your Brand Assets (13 lessons)

So while you wait for your inventory to be shipped to Amazon’s warehouse, there are more lessons…

You’ll learn how to set up all your social media account for your business and create your brand. You’ll also learn to build your email list and set up your first offer page.

Module 5: Build Your Perfect Product Page (12 lessons)

Here, you’ll learn how to find your quality keyword in order to rank on the first page on Amazon’s site.

This module is important. You need to give your audience a reason why they should purchase if you want to make money. ASM will teach you how to construct a helpful product page.

Module 6: Time To Launch Your Perfect Product (12 lessons)

This module will be exciting for you.

In this module, you learn how to get your first FBA shipment ready. You’ll get a shipment walkthrough and prepare images for your product.

Because you’ve already been using your sample product, you’re now ready to write your first review on it and offer your Amazon giveaway. Pretty cool, right!

Finally, you’ll publish the review and get it ranking in Amazon’s search engine.

Module 7: Advanced Marketing and Getting Traffic (10 lessons)

As you can see, there’s a lot of hard work to do here and if you made it this far, there is NO QUITTING!

In this module, you’ll learn how to keep your content marketing strategy going.

Getting more traffic is very important so you’ll learn how to get both paid and free traffic. This is how you’ll get more customers.

Understanding how conversions work is another exiting process to learn here too.

Module 8: Never stop! It’s time to Take Your Business to the Next Level

This is pretty much a rinse and repeat procedure.

If you run low on your inventory, don’t fret!  This is a good thing because it means you’re making sales.

In this module, you’ll learn how to reorder your inventory.

At some point in time, you’ll want to launch your next product. This means knowing what that product will be.

You’re going want to start running your business as a real business so now it’s time to be more serious and start building your team. You’ll learn how to manage the money part of your online business.

2) ASM Mentor Program

This is a program where you can get mentored by ASM’s successful members. They really want to give back to the community that has helped them so you can benefit from their failures and successes.

3) Membership Community

This is a lifetime membership that is 24/7 accessible to any member.

It’s a place where you can get help, motivation and stay current with business trends and strategies.

There are 2 live group coaching calls a month so if you want to ask questions or get additional help and be held accountable, this is the place to hang out.

NOTE: Signing up to join is not open daily. ASM focuses on the new members who signed up ensuring they get full attention, so if you want in, you’ll have to periodically check on their site or contact them directly.

4) Private Resource Vault

These are exclusive resources that ASM have collected over the years and they make it available to you.

A variety of supplier contact templates, as well as other templates, are in this vault. You’ll also have access to discounts on their Amazon software tools.

5) Automation Tool Suite

This Suite gives you access to everything you need to manage your online business. Features included are:

ManageByStats (Yearly) – This monitors your traffic and conversions statistical data. You can check on your inventory status and keywords to see how they’re ranking. Also included is the ability to launch your campaigns and do email followups.

Brand Launchpad and Continual Sales System (6 Month Access) – You can use this tool to ensure immediate Amazon product sales.

Best Amazon Keyword Research Tool (90 Day Access) – Apparently ASM found an unnamed keyword research tool for Amazon that will help find the right targeted keywords for your product. This will help generate traffic.

The Price to Join Amazing Selling Machine (ASM) 

ASM Product Purchase Plan

The cost to join ASM is definitely not cheap and if you’re pumped and ready to do this, you’ll get a ‘pleasant’ surprise… well, not really pleasant.

It’s a whopping $4,997 USD if you pay as a lump sum or you can do this in 6 payments of $997 which costs you more a total of $5,982.

Now, if you live in Canada as I do, this will cost even more depending on what our dollar is worth. BUT the good part is, you can use it as a business expense.

You should also be aware, this is not the end of your total investment which you will want to read in my What I Don’t Like About The Amazing Selling Machine section coming up soon. 

What I Like About The Amazing Selling Machine

1. Proven Training

There is no doubt in my mind that the Amazing Selling Machine has quality and proven courses. 

Of course, there is always some kind of talk about how bad this site is but in my opinion, like any training, it really depends on how hard one works.

There are lots of great videos so make sure to do follow along and complete the tasks.

2. Support

We all know what it’s like when you’re learning something and you have questions running around in your mind.

Amazing Selling Machine excels in ensuring your questions are answered thru their helpful community members, their forum and Private Facebook.

Their mentors are all successful members of ASM who are experiencing success so you’ll get their knowledge of what did or didn’t work.

You can also reach them thru their support email, phone and live chat. Live chat is where you’ll get the quickest response. 

Similar to Wealthy Affiliate, the Amazing Selling Machine will give you a badge in recognition of your achievements. Other members will see it and congratulate you. It’s also another way to see how other members are doing.

3. 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

30 day money back guarantee

Even after your large payment to Amazing Selling Machine, if you are not satisfied at all with their training, they will refund 100% in your first 30 days.

This is how confident Matt and Jason are on their platform.

You might be wondering if 30 days is long enough if the training modules take 8 weeks. Well, the company recently introduced its ASMX 6 – Money Back Guarantee.

They will reimburse you back on your membership but you will have to meet all their prerequisites to qualify for the 100% full money-back guarantee.

4. Continual Updates On Training

Because Amazing Selling Machine uses the business model of Amazon’s FBA, there are continually updated versions all the way up to ASM9 and more recently ASMX.

They also keep adding more resources and tools to ensure you succeed in your online Amazon business.

5. No Experience Required

The good part is you don’t need to be a computer guru to do this or have experience with Amazon. The only requirement is your commitment to work hard, stay focused and do everything the training expects you to do.

What I Don’t Like About The Amazing Selling Machine

1. Way Too Expensive

I just have this belief that when people look to the internet to find ways to make money they already don’t have that kind of money to invest.

Granted ASM’s training is proven. Members have to work hard, follow the lessons and do all the tasks. While I really like their training style, they’re still way too expensive even though members are making money anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000 depending on their work ethics.

On the bright side, I believe many who have invested the large sums of money have committed whole-heartedly into making their online amazon business extremely successful.

2. Additional Costs To Be Aware Of

Amazing Selling Machine gives you everything you need in regards to training and tools to build your business BUT there are some things that are just not possible to cover in their membership cost.

Take a look at this PDF

14 Amazon FBA Costs

This means additional costs in:

  • Product research tools
  • Product samples
  • Product packaging
  • Pre-shipping inspection
  • Shipment to Amazon’s warehouse
  • Freight charges including custom fees

There is more…

Amazon’s fees:

  • Monthly storage
  • Referral fees
  • And more

According to the Amazing Selling Machine, your first initial order on your inventory can be anywhere from $500 to $3,000. This would include the product research and associated costs I just listed above.

They also say it would be another $100 to $300 for marketing. This is supposed to include what you would pay to bring traffic and go with professional photoshoots of your product.

Paid traffic is expensive and it could potentially cost you thousands of dollars and then you have the Amazon fees I talked about.

Including the $4,997 (the yearly), you could potentially be up to $7,000 USD for your first year…maybe more? Can you imagine how much this costs in Canadian dollars?

A Better Way - CLICK HERE For My #1 Recommendation. It's FREE to Join!

3. Cannot Join Anytime You Like

You should also be aware that their training is not readily available as they allow people to join when they’re ready to bring in new people.

Is Amazing Selling Machine A Scam OR Is It Legit?

Amazing Selling Machine is definitely not a scam. It is a legitimate company and they have a proven training platform.

Many people will say they’re a scam because it’s expensive and no doubt there will be many who are not making money or making very little. It all really depends on how hard you work and whether you have the investment to carry you thru. 

Many members are making big money but they have the money to invest too. It is for this reason, I do not recommend Amazing Selling Machine to people who do not have the capital to invest. I know some people are borrowing money from other sources to do this… in my opinion, this is not a good idea.

Having said that, of course, it’s totally up to you to make the decision to join or not. I recommend them if you are determined and have the mindset to succeed. (Click Here to Join ASM)!

I know you’re looking for legitimate ways to make money online.

There is a different online training platform I would like to introduce you to. It’s actually my #1 recommendation that teaches you how to make money online.

My preferred method of earning passive income is thru the affiliate marketing business model. 

It’s perfect for beginners and for the experienced internet marketers who want to make real money and I’ll tell you why…

  1. It doesn’t cost much in $. In fact, the place I get all my on-going training and manage my online affiliate marketing business is less than what a cup of coffee would cost a day.

  2. There are no inventory costs, therefore no shipping or handling costs.

  3. You can even become an affiliate marketer for Amazon.

How We Are Making Passive Income

If you’re really serious about having your own online business and want to make real money my #1 recommendation is the Affiliate Marketing business model. It’s the most popular way of making real passive income in the internet world.

But to do that, you need to learn how to do Affiliate Marketing and for that my #1 recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate’s training platform.

Why Affiliate Marketing and Wealthy Affiliate?

Here are some reasons:

  • You can promote any product(s) you like in Amazon, Best Buy, iPhone and more
  • There is no recruiting
  • You don’t need inventory
  • No experience is required
  • It’s FREE to join Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter Member
  • 24/7 Live Chat

Want to see how some members of Wealthy Affiliate are making money?

First, let me warn you, Affiliate Marketing and Wealthy Affiliate is not the shiny button that’s going to make you rich overnight. This requires hard work, perseverance, and the ability to never quit.

In fact, it could take you 6 months, a year, maybe 2 years or longer before you make any sustainable amount of money and this all depends on how hard you work on your online business.

Here is a look at what some of us are making….

Meet RD40, CLICK HERE to read his success story!

RD40 Officially 1 Six Figure Business 2018

Meet Brok, CLICK HERE to read his success story!

Brokwebb's success story

Well, what do you think? Why not give Wealthy Affiliate a try? It’s FREE to join as a Starter Member, ZERO RISK AND NO CREDIT CARD IS REQUESTED!! Just Click Below…

CLICK HERE - Ultimate Guide To Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

Hey Folks,

Thanks for reading my review of the Amazing Selling Machine.

I hope I was able to give you helpful information. If you have any questions or comments, it would be awesome to hear from you. If you are a member of the Amazing Selling Machine, I would like to hear about your experience in the company. 



Amazing Selling Machine

$4,997 for the membership +

Overall Product


Profit Opportunity





  • Proven Training
  • Support
  • 30-Day Money Back Guarentt


  • Too Expensive
  • Additional Costs
  • Can't Join When You Want

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