Is AmeriPlan a Scam? (A Pyramid Scheme In Disguise?)

Getting high-quality health care is expensive. AmeriPlan has a business opportunity that might be your solution. BUT is it a scam? You know, a pyramid scheme in disguise?

Imagine a place where members can save hundreds of millions of dollars and make money by working at home.

We all know how expensive health care is in the states. Even your dental work is ridiculously expensive.

In this review, we’re going to be looking at AmeriPlan’s business opportunity where you can get discounted health care plans AND make money too.

Should you jump on this opportunity? 

First, let me say I’m happy to see you are doing your research here. It’s the only way to keep yourself from being scammed and find legitimate ways to make money online.

Just so you know, I am not associated with AmeriPlan. I do lots of researching on products and write reviews from my findings in hopes of helping you make an informed decision.

Let’s begin…

AmeriPlan Summary Review

AmeriPlan Regular Jump Start Benefit Consultant HeaderProduct Name: AmeriPlan USA 

Founders: Dennis Bloom (CEO) and Daniel Bloom

Type of Product: MLM/Discounted Health Care Benefit Plans

Cost: Your choice of Discounted Membership Plans 

Good For: Anyone living in the non-excluded states

Overall Rating:  50 out of 100

Recommended: No

Summary: AmeriPlan is an MLM discounted medical plans company. The problem is they are not in every state so you’re limited to where you can sell their products and recruit people. Their dental and medical plans are legitimate. 

A Better Way – Check Out My #1 Recommendation, It’s FREE to Join!

What Is AmeriPlan USA?

AmeriPlan is a Discount Medical Plans Organization (DMPO) and claims to be the largest program provider for discounted fees on dental, vision, prescription and chiropractic.

They act as the middle-man between their members and health care providers. This is done by negotiating with health care and medical professionals to come up with the best-discounted plan for their members.

Members can save as much as 20% to 65% on various types of dental work and up to 80% on preventative dental work. For major dental work, the discount is up to 25%. 

In addition to saving money on your medical health care plan, they have an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) business that offers you a business opportunity.

Can you believe it? Imagine getting great discounts on medical health care plans and getting an opportunity to make money.  

Their biggest goal is to help their members save additional costs on their health care plans and make it affordable. BUT you have to pay them a monthly fee.

You might think it’s an insurance plan… but it definitely is not and in fact, they will tell you that in their Disclaimer.

AmeriPlan Plans are not insurance disclosure

About The Owners

AmeriPlan was founded in 1992 by identical twin brothers Dennis and Daniel Bloom with their head office in Texas.

AmeriPlan Plans are not insurance disclosure

That’s an incredibly long time to be in business, over 25+ years with quite a history behind them.

What got them into business was they realized the demand and high cost of people’s dental care and so they started their first discounted fee-for-service program.

This was the beginning of AmeriPlan Corporation.

Soon after their dental plan became a success, they added the following benefits to their program:

  • Prescription medication
  • Vision
  • Chiropractic care
  • Hospital advocacy
  • Telemedicine
  • Physician medical care
  • Ancillary medical services

AmeriPlan Products

There are 2 health care benefit plans offered to your clients as a Benefits Consultant (BC):

1.AmeriPlan Dental Plus ($24.95/month)

Savings are on the following:

  • Dental
  • Vision
  • Prescription
  • Hearing
  • Chiropractic services

2. AmeriPlan Deluxe Plus ($39.95/month)

Savings are on everything in the Discounted Dental Plan including:

  • Telemedicine
  • Ancillary services
  • Telemedicine (24/7 access)

The benefit to either one of these 2 products is your entire household can use the plan.

AmeriPlan – The Business Opportunity

So far, you know you can save money by being a member of AmeriPlan.

You heard you can make money too…

Well, it turns out, AmeriPlan decided they wanted to help you pursue your lifestyle and financial freedom using the MLM model. Here’s an example below…

Multi Level Marketing business model

There are 2 ways you can make money with AmeriPlan:

  1. Direct sell the AmeriPlan health care benefit plans and earn retail commissions.
  2. Recruit people as a Benefits Consultant and earn commissions on the sales made by your referrals.

How To Join AmeriPlan Business Opportunity

AmeriPlan gives you 2 choices to become their Benefits Consultant (BC):

1. Pay their yearly enrolment fee of $30 which is quite affordable. You are not required to make a membership order sale, however, you are not entitled to earn compensation.

I’ll describe this in the AmeriPlan Compensation Plan section in a bit.

Anyway apparently, you can still carry on with your business.

If you’re serious about making money with AmeriPlan, you’re definitely going to want the compensations.

So what are you going to do??

2. Be an “Active” BC member and purchase one of AmeriPlan’s Discount Memberships which I’ll describe in the next section.

By doing this you are qualified to earn commissions.

AmeriPlan will tell say you don’t need to really purchase this membership as long as you sell 1 AmeriPlan Deluxe Plus Plan which I talked about in the Products section above.

They admit they’re a “membership driven company” and so your sponsor will push you into buying a discounted membership.

The idea is that by experiencing the benefits of this Deluxe Plus Membership, you can share your stories of it to other people by telling them how much money you saved. 

AmeriPlan Discounted Memberships For Benefit Consultants

Example of Discounted Memberships for BC

There are 5 discounted memberships you can choose from:

1.Special JumpStart ($139.90 One-Time Fee & $39.95 month)

The $30 yearly enrolment fee is waived. You receive the benefits of the Deluxe Plus membership and includes your own back office, mobile-friendly websites, videos, marketing materials and training.

2. Regular Jump Start Benefit Consultant ($279.95 One-Time Fee & $39.95/month)

Here, you get everything from the Special JumpStart in addition to 3 Deluxe Plus along with its inventory.

3. Super Jump Start Benefit Consultant ($489.95 One-Time Fee & $39.95/month)

The Super Jump Start will give you everything that’s included in the Regular Jump Start. The extras here are 3 more Deluxe Plan (total of 6 now) including their inventory.

4. Ultimate Jump Start Benefit Consultant ($699.95 One-Time Fee & $39.95/month)

The Ultimate Jump Start will give you everything that’s included in the Super Jump Start.

Can you guess the extras??

Yep, 3 more Deluxe Plans (total of 9), inventory included.

5. Benefit Consultant ($30 Yearly)

I spoke about this earlier but briefly…

If you choose this membership, you will not earn from AmeriPlan’s Compensation Plan.

However, you will get the following:

BC Business E-Kit – Online access to the kit.

Corporate Services – Application and membership processing, bank and customer services, and technology information.

5 e-Commerce Functional Websites – 3 sites for member prospects and 2 for your hot potential business seekers.

Back Office – Marketing tools and resources, commissions info and training.

Sales Director Programs – Addition benefits that are complimentary including direct deposit banking

Like I mentioned before, if you decide to be a BC, you will want to earn the compensations to make more money. You will need to choose 1 of the 4, not this last one.

AmeriPlan Compensation Plan

As long as you remain a qualified “active” BC, for every member you recruit, AmeriPlan will pay you a 40% commission on their first payment, not including their yearly enrolment fee. To keep earning residual income, your business needs to be in good standing.  

AmeriPlan’s commissions and bonuses structure is somewhat complex and the video below will best describe how it works…

Team Residual Overrides


Of course, in addition to earning 40% commission from your membership sales and on your recruits, you can also earn on your team’s sales as well as on bonus incentives.

Membership Residuals chart

Example, if you sold 100 Dental Plus Memberships at $24.95, that would come to $24.95 x 100 = $2,495 x 40% = $998 a month.

That’s a lot of selling.

Your first goal as a BC is to reach the rank of AmeriPlan Regional Sales Director. To do that, you need to recruit 3 BCs or sell 6 Memberships.

You make more when someone from your team gets promoted to Regional Sales Director.

I think you get the idea from the video.

You might have heard of AmeriPlan’s Cadillac Club.

AmeriPlan Cadillac Club

AmeriPlan has lots of incentives in the way of bonuses because they want you to work harder to bring in (new recruits) more people.

The Cadillac Club is a bonus incentive. If you make $50k within a year and keep earning a minimum of $4k a month, they will reward you with a leased Cadillac of your choice.

Can you make this much? Certainly, nothing is impossible, but you need to consider the method of how you’re going to accomplish this.

The way to recruit people is by:

  • Flyers
  • Cold Calls
  • Business cards
  • Brochures
  • Social media, etc.

You’ll be making money from your down lines and on their down lines, right down to the 5th generation. There is no doubt, AmeriPlan’s business model for you as a BC is it’s real ‘multi-level marketing’.

Who AmeriPlan Is For

There are 2 important pieces of information I want to say here…

In my opinion, you have to have the right mindset to do cold calls and not be afraid of rejection.

Staying positive is another attribute to keep you motivated as you’ll be talking to people like your family members, friends, and people who don’t know you.

2nd, AmeriPlan is not available everywhere. It’s not an international company. Here’s a list of the excluded areas:

  • Alaska
  • Montana
  • North Dakota
  • Rhode Island
  • South Dakota
  • Vermont
  • Washington
  • Wyoming
  • Utah
  • Guam, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands

Tired of MLM? CLICK HERE for my #1 Recommendation

What I Like About AmeriPlan

#1. Proven Business

AmeriPlan has been in business for over 25 years.

This proves they are successful in providing health care benefit plans at discounted prices. So you know, if they were a scam, they would not have survived this long.

#2. 100% Guarantee – 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

I always look for this!

AmeriPlan gives you a 100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied in your first 30 days.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee Refund Policy

#3. Household Members Are Covered

Even with their discounted rates, the plans cover all household residents. This is incredible!

#4. MLM Opportunity is Affordable

The last MLM I joined cost me over $100 a month on my skincare products. The products were excellent but not affordable. But it’s what I had to do to be eligible for commissions.

To qualify as an “active” BC, you can choose from 4 Discounted Memberships.  the cheapest is $139.90 and the most expensive $699.95 for the one-time fee and after that, you just pay the $39.95 a month.

#5. Rating is Pretty Good

Better Business Bureau has given AmeriPlan a rating of A+ even though it is not accredited. It has 3.5 stars out of 5.

BBB A Plus Rating

#6. Real People Are Making Money

I watched a few videos of members sharing their success stories. However, it seems these members started early on when the business opportunity was first introduced.

What I Don’t Like

#1, Cold Calls. A thing of the past?

I thought cold calls were gone!

One of AmeriPlan’s recommended way of promoting their products is via cold calls. They want you to just dial numbers over your phone and do your AmeriPlan sales pitch to total strangers you don’t know.

YouTube AmeriPlan Samples Cold Call Scripts Execution

Years ago, this was an acceptable thing to get phone calls from strangers promoting something. If you weren’t interested in their offer you would let them know in a nice way or not.

Nowadays, people won’t even answer a call if they don’t know you.

If you get lucky the stranger might give you a minute to blurb your sales pitch. People are really busy these days.

#2. Lack of Lead Generation and Traffic Tools For Your Personal Website

Not having traffic = 0 income!

AmeriPlan is giving you your own personal website and this is great BUT the problem is you’re not getting the marketing tools and training to generate leads to bring traffic to your site.

In fact, this is the problem with so many MLMs and why you’re encouraged to do cold calls.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have traffic come to your site 24/7, while you sleep?

#3. Limited Marketing Areas

AmeriPlan is only available in the United States. They’re not international.

There’s no point in promoting or marketing your AmeriPlan’s discounted health care benefits in all the states and territories.

In the image below, you’ll see the states and territories excluded from AmeriPlan.

Excluded States and Territories

#4. Compensation Structure is Complicated

From the video presentation, I showed you earlier, I hope you agree with me, the compensation structure is rather complicated.

Is AmeriPlan a Scam or Is it Legit?

AmeriPlan is definitely not a scam! It is not a pyramid scheme! The fact that they have been around for over 25 years is proof enough that they’re not.

I’ll be honest … I do not recommend AmeriPlan to anyone interested in making this their business opportunity.

The fact that they really push you into doing ‘cold calls’ to bring traffic requires real selling skills. You also have to be able to handle rejections. Even the people you recruit are going to have these skills, otherwise, they’ll give up and quit. 

Sadly, this is pretty much the typical method of promoting your multi-level marketing business.

I’ve done MLM before, 3 times in fact. I started promoting to my friends and family members but that got a little dicey when I kept asking them for more referrals.

The people that got into AmeriPlan’s business opportunity in the early years are the ones who are really making the money.

The other thing about AmeriPlan is they are not in all the states. To me, it just feels saturated.

I Get it!

You want to make money.

There is a better way!!

How We Make Money 24/7 …

By now you probably know I’m a member of Wealthy Affiliate. It’s my #1 online affiliate marketing training platform with over 1.4 million friendly members from all over the world.

My #1 Recommendation for an online business model is also Affiliate Marketing.

If you haven’t heard of it, let me give you a few reasons why:

  • There is no inventory to carry
  • Work at home or anywhere in the world
  • No cold calls
  • Earn while you sleep
  • Free to promote any products you like
  • No chasing people to recruit, people will come to you
  • FREE to get started

Here are some success stories:

Meet RD40… CLICK HERE to read his success story!

RD40 Officially 1 Six Figure Business 2018

Meet Eric… CLICK HERE to read his success story!

EricCantu Success Story

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Hey Folks, 

Thank you for reading. I hope I was able to give you helpful information.

If you have any questions or comments it would be awesome to hear from you. Have you done MLM before and if yes, what are your experiences with it?


10 thoughts on “Is AmeriPlan a Scam? (A Pyramid Scheme In Disguise?)”

  1. Thank you for this post.  Right now, my company pays my medical and my dental plan is pretty cheap.  That said, I’m moving into my own business and I’m going to lose those perks.  This post has introduced me to a program that might help me address my health care and dental needs in the near future.

    I don’t think the money making side of the business is for me.  I’m really leery of MLM programs and those that need me to make so many sales or pay a monthly fee to maintain my active status.

    Now I just need to figure out if they offer plans and coverage in my area.

    Thanks again,


    • Hi Scott,

      Thanks for your comment.

      I hope AmeriPlan can help you. They do not go to the following states and territories:

      Alaska, Guam, Montana, North Dakota, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, Wyoming, US Virgin Islands, Utah


  2. I had heard their name before but had no idea what their business was about. I have reservations about both their discount health plans as well as their MLM Plan. Since they have been in business for 25 years clearly they must meet a need. 

    I find their heath benefits very limited. I have Medicare. My reports for care show how much the health providers charge the insurance company. In turn, the Insurance company reduces that amount which to me constitutes a Government Discount. And my copay is zero. If someone purchased this health discount plan, and they needed services not covered, they would have to go out of pocket in a big way. Hence I do not feel the breath of services they have to negotiate discounts is adequate. 

    The MLM plans and how the payouts are made drove me crazy! It seems so complicated. I am a member of a Legal Services company. When I joined many years ago there was a one time fee of $99. Naturally, I enrolled for the benefits of unlimited access to lawyers as well as Identity Theft Protection for less than $50 a month. I could have built a network of associates to make MLM money but I chose to wait until I could do that online. Then I found a company that had the tools where I could do that. 

    I am surprised that AmeriPlan has not moved with the times. My Legal MLM company has a fantastic back office that includes an Email marketing system, like AWeber that I pay $19.95 a month. IF they could do that so could AmeriPlan.

    You provided a great insight into the pitfalls of joining this company either for their health services or their MLM business.

    However, I was delighted that you shared another way to make money online through Affiliate Marketing with a company called Wealthy Affiliate. Now, this sounds like a winner and I shall be checking them out. 

    • Hi Edwin,

      Yes, it seems the discounted health benefits are somewhat limited and certainly any major procedures would be extremely expensive.

      AmeriPlan’s Compensation Plan is bizarre I agree, however, I find most MLM plans are like that. It makes my head spin too.

      If AmeriPlan developed a good set of online marketing tools and training on how to bring in more visitors to the rep’s website it would help for sure but it seems the cold calls are what works.

      The cold calls are exactly what the typical MLMs need to do to generate traffic.

      I appreciate your comment, thank you.


      PS: Hey Edwin,

      Thank you for checking Wealthy Affiliate out and please let me know if you have any questions.


  3. Thanks, Monica for posting; I never do MLM because I don’t have the necessary skills and I don’t even understand the system. 

    I have a question: Why join the program with health insurance and other ways to make money online? I’m not interested in the way to make money online.

    Best regards


    • Hi Carmen,

      I did MLM 3 times and was never successful, like you, I don’t have the skills. The MLM Compensation Plans are typical and always complicated, that’s for sure.

      In regards to your question, you can enjoy AmeriPlan’s discounted health benefits without being part of the MLM plan. You can purchase the benefit plan thru one of their independent representatives. 


  4. I’m glad to see Ameriplan is a legitimate business and is not a scam (or a pyramid scheme). It looks like it does have some good points about it, and I like that the BBB gives it an A rating. But, like you, I was also a member of an MLM recently, and one thing I don’t like about any of them is that their compensation plans are so complicated!

    I never truly understood how to make money with mine because there were so many different things involved. I also hated bugging my friends and family, and I’m not good with cold calling. 

    Like you, I ended up in affiliate marketing, and it’s so much better. No cold calling. No inventory to buy monthly. (Mine was at least $100 a month also.) No recruiting. It’s easy to understand how to make money. And I don’t have to talk to a single soul about it. lol 

    I think I’ll stay away from Ameriplan for now and stick with affiliate marketing.

    • Hi Christina,

      I don’t know if I ever understood any of the MLM compensation plans with the ones I joined so I totally understand what you’re saying. Yes, making cold calls and approaching friends and family are challenging… sadly it’s one of the first things we’re asked to do as soon as you join.

      You’re so right, the benefits of Affiliate Marketing are real, no cold calling… I’m glad to hear you’re doing affiliate marketing.

      Thanks for your comment,


  5. Hi Monica,

    I am very glad to see your post. I did not know about AmeriPlan before reading your post. But I did MLM in a company. My experience is bad. I have to suffer because of it till now. My many friends have broken their friendship because of it. I dislike the MLM structure. 

    Right now I am a member of an affiliate marketing business. Yes, I agree with you that the online business model to have is Affiliate Marketing. I am a newbie of this site. But now I think I see I can do this.  Can you help me?

    Thanks a lot…

    • Hi Snigdha,

      I’m saddened to hear you are suffering from the results of being part of an MLM. Never a good thing to see friendships breakup. I hope in time, they begin to heal.

      Absolutely, just click on this link and I’ll welcome you on the inside. I’ll be your mentor and help you on the way to your journey of success. Join for free and no credit card is requested.

      You will have to do a lot of hard work, but it’s all worth it.

      Thank you,



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