Is Finish Line Network A Scam? Skip The Profit Race Now

Who knew? I had no idea Finish Line Network was made up of 3 companies. I didn’t get an email like so many other people did. Is it a scam?

The name kind of got me interested. On their site, they talk about skipping the profit race and starting at the finish line.

Does this perk your curiosity too? I have to tell you that there is some very interesting information you need to know before you join this Network. This is why I wrote this review.

First, let me just commend you for doing your research here. It’s the way to keep yourself from being scammed and find legitimate ways to make money online.

Just so you know, I am in no way affiliated or associated with Finish Line Network.

My role here is to provide helpful information so you can make an informed decision.

Let’s begin…

Finish Line Network Short Review Summary

Gold PackageProduct Name: Finish Line Network

Founders: Joel and Kitty Kellman, Greg Chambers, Doug Wellens, Chad Stalvey, Paul Counts

Product Type: MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) and Internet Marketing

Price: $20 a month to be an active member with lots of expensive upsells

Best For: Experienced MLMs and Internet Marketers

Summary: Finish Line Network is a fairly new MLM company established in the latter part of 2018. I have actually seen people do well with other MLM companies when they join early in the game. These are people who have social skills and already have the ability to build large audiences. If you don’t have these skills, you will learn them in this network. This network is also VERY expensive should you join and my advice is to make sure you’re confident enough to “chase” people. You should know, this Network also seems to have some similarities of a pyramid scheme. Just be aware and do your due diligence.

My Rating: 40 out of 100

Is Finish Line Network Recommended? Not really

Tired of MLM? CLICK HERE For A Better Solution!

What Is Finish Line Network (FLN)?

Finish Line Network is still a relatively new MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) online business. They promote their own online internet marketing products.

 The company was launched in the latter part of 2018 and is made up of 3 other companies each with their own industry:

  1. Traffic Authority (TA) – Traffic & Leads Generation – MLM
  2. Online Sales Pro (OSP) – Sales Funnels and Mobile App
  3. Success Counts – Email Marketing and Digital Marketing

Finish Line Network’s teaching focuses primarily on using methods for generating leads thru emails, and social media,

Who’s Running The Show?

There are 6 members that make up the Executive Team of Finish Line Network. They boast to earn in the 7-digit figure and say they helped thousands and ten thousands of people earn income in their industries.

Owners of Traffic Authority

  • Joel and Kitty Kellman (Owners of Online Sales Pro – MLM)
  • Greg Chambers, Doug Wellens, Chad Stalvey, (Owners of Traffic Authority)
  • Paul Counts (Owner of Success Counts)

Inside Finish Line Network – The Products

Finish Line Network uses the 3 different systems from their associated companies to teach their members internet marketing, network marketing, online marketing, and money making strategies.

By doing this, they say you’re “starting at the finish line” along with their 4 products.

4 Finish Line Network Products at One Price

There is a catch with their training products! While Finish Line Network talks about starting your online business on anything you like, they actually really focus on teaching you how to promote their network.

This is how you make your money and you’re stuck here because you don’t even have a website.

Anyway, your 4 products are:

#1. Silver Package (Automation) – $47/month

The Silver is a step-by-step lead generation and management system using the Online Sales Pro.

It has a simple and easy to use page builder and turn-key sales funnels to generate leads along with a mobile app that can help you manage your online business (FLN) anywhere in the world.

#2. Gold Package – ($130/month or 3-year Subscription $2,997)

The Gold also uses the Online Sales Pro and has monthly virtual live and past events presented by top-notch successful internet marketers.

The training also focuses a lot on ways of generating traffic thru Facebook Ads, YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn for your FLN business.

#3. Email Profits On Demand (ePOD) – $1,997

The Email Profits On Demand training package is put on by Success Counts. It covers the building of your email list, 8 weeks of live training, ready-made email lists and offers presentations.

#4. Digital Domination – Live Events $997

This is a 2-day live event to increase your online marketing skills, meet like-minded people, and be energized by special guest speakers.

Some topics covered will be on building your email list, targeting more people thru social media, developing your mindset, and time management.

Does Finish Line Network Really Work?

This Network hasn’t been around very long and their Income Disclaimer states they won’t have anything to report until a year later.

In the meantime, they show estimates based on industry standards and their projections, which they say the average gross yearly income can be $300 to $1,800.

Projected Income $300 to $1800 average annual

I can say, if you’re going to be spending your hard earned money on this network, you really want to be getting your value out of it and plus.

A Better Way – Check Out My #1 Recommendation, It’s FREE to Join!

How To Make Money On Finish Line Network

The very first thing you need to do is pay $20 a month to be an active member. It’s actually your Monthly Reseller License which allows you to resell their products.

The $20 a month only gets you into the program.

To make commissions, this is what you need to do:

  1. Purchase the Silver Subscription by paying $47 a month which equates to $564 each year ($47 x 12 = $564)

  2. Purchase the Gold Monthly Subscription at $130 a month which comes to $1,560 each year ($130 x 12 = $1,560).


      3. Purchase the Gold Pro 3 Year Subscription at $2,997

Of course, if you’re set on making “serious money”, there are still the other products like the Email Profits On-Demond $1997, and Digital Domination Event Ticket $997.

Finish Line Network also gives you another option and that is to purchase all 4 products as a group package at a discounted offer of  $4,997. This only covers you for your first 3 years Gold Pro package and don’t forget you still have to pay $20 a month to keep your Reseller License current.

According to their Income Disclaimer (read further on), their estimated average yearly projection is between $300 to $1,800.  It should take you a little over 3 1/2 years to break if you were to purchase that discounted group package for $4,997.

There are 3 ways to make money on Finish Line Network:

1. Direct Commissions: 50/50 commission split with their upline affiliate.

2. Bonus Pool Commission: FLN puts 20% of the entire commissions into this pool. This is based on your personal sales performance, your team’s sales, and including everyone else’s sales who is not on your team.

3. Monthly Residuals: This is based on their uni-level downline system which enables you to earn commissions on their sales.

The compensation plan is called Profit Maximizer and works in the following manner:

The $20 members who are active, get a 50/50 commission split with their upline.

Like any MLM, there’s always a catch. In the case of Finish Line Network, if you want to maximize your income, you have to purchase all their products.

The more product sales you make, the more stars you earn. Here are their expectations they set up for you:

1 Star – Sell 6 Silver packages

2 Stars – Sell 6 Gold packages

3 Stars – Sell 6 Digital Products

4 Stars – Sell 6 Event tickets

Once you sell 7 or more in each of their product lines, then your commission split takes a quantum leap to 80/20

I have this video for you to watch. It will explain everything you need to know about FLN’s Compensation Plan….

According to the FTC MLM is an unfair and deceptive practice According to the FTC, 99% of members lose money and so that only leaves 1% who will be successful.

In reference to The Balance Small Business, there are 50% of MLM representatives who drop out in the first year, and 90% who drop out after 5 years. 

Can you imagine, what other things you can do in those 5 years? 

What I like About Finish Line Network

To be honest with you, I don’t have anything positive to say at this moment.

The company is still fairly new but I will keep my eye on it and as soon as I hear anything more, I’ll add an update(s) to this review.

The Ugly Side of Finish Line Network

1. Challenging to Break Even With Your Investment

As I mentioned earlier in reference to their Income Disclosure, their estimated annual average earning is $300 to $1800 a year.

Let’s do a little bit of math and use the $1,800. Divide that by 12 = $150 a month.

At $150 a month, a part-time job is going to make you more money than participating in Finish Line Network.

2. MLM Strategy Feels Like They’re Just Trying To Improve Their Versions

The fact that there are 2 MLM systems here gives me a very uncomfortable feeling. It’s like Finish Line Network and Online Sales Pro are there on both sides putting pressure on you.

This could put you under a lot of pressure to get your visitors in social media to purchase your FLN products which can potentially cause you to lose some friends and even family members to turn away from you.

3. Expensive Products

I used to be a member in a couple of MLMs and while they were expensive, Finish Line Network certainly wins the trophy as having expensive upsell after upsell.

4. The Appearance of A Pyramid Scheme

Finish Line Network has the appearance of a pyramid scheme. This is because they push their rewards hot and heavy on recruiting people.

It’s up to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) to determine if they are a pyramid scheme. Just be aware of this.

5. Hidden Costs of Paid Traffic and Ads

Beware, most of the training is focused on email marketing and social media paid traffic. Paying for traffic and ads can be very costly from a few hundred dollars to thousands and thousands of dollars.

Is Finish Line Network A Scam?

I honestly don’t know if Finish Line Network is a scam. You will definitely learn online marketing techniques.

Based on what I know, I don’t recommend them but it’s up to you to decide if you want to join them or not.  Their products are way too expensive and don’t forget the additional costs for paid ads and paid traffic.

In my opinion, I don’t see Finish Line Network as a sustainable long-term passive income and their Network feels like they’re a pyramid scheme in disguise but again, it’s up to the FTC to decide.

A Better Solution!

I think by now you already know I am no longer a fan of MLM (Multi-Level Marketing/Direct Marketing.

There is a better solution for you!  In fact, most people when they think about having an online business, will choose Affiliate Marketing.

It’s my #1 Recommended business model and I’ll tell you why:

  • People come to you so there is no chasing them.
  • Do something once and it will keep making money for you, over and over again.
  • No inventory to carry.
  • You have the ability to earn long-term passive income while you sleep.
  • You can promote any product/service you like.

You probably already know I am a proud member of Wealthy Affiliate and I’ve been with them since early 2016. Wealthy Affiliate is also my #1 Recommend online affiliate marketing training platform in its industry.  I will always recommend them because they have a proven system. 

I have 2 websites that I own, one is in scuba diving and on that, I’m in the 4-figure income. The website you are on now is a new site I started a few months ago and it’s giving me results because you’re reading my review.

Do you want to know more about Affiliate Marketing?

CLICK HERE - Ultimate Guide To Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

Hey Folks,

Thanks for reading! I hope this review of Finish Line Network was helpful for you in making a decision to join them or not.

If you have any questions or comments or if you are a member of Finish Line Network, it would awesome to hear from you. Have any of you been involved in multi-level marketing? If yes, what are your thoughts on it? Just put them in the Comment Box below and I’ll get back to you.


7 thoughts on “Is Finish Line Network A Scam? Skip The Profit Race Now”

  1. Thank you so much for reviewing the Finish Line Network. An acquaintance (who isn’t really close with me and we hardly ever met) suddenly offered me this product and promised easy money by joining him.

    I’m glad to read your review. It’s a big no-no to buy such expensive products and resell it to others, and I’m really not fond of MLM businesses.

    It makes sense that I should just be doing a part-time job to earn US$150 instead of selling this product. Thank you for being an eye-opener. I will also check your recommendation.

    • You’re welcome and thanks for your comment.

      Like you, I feel the same about MLM businesses. I’m really glad I could give you helpful information on Finish Line Network.

      I appreciate you looking into my recommendation. I’m sure you will like it.


    • Hello,

      You’re welcome and thank you for your comment.

      Wow, I’m very glad you read my review and found it helpful. Good for you for not joining with Finish Line Network.

      I’ll see you on the inside and welcome you. Stay as long as you like in Wealthy Affiliate’s site. It’s FREE to join.



  2. This is a very informative review of a company I’d not heard of until I read about it here.
    Whilst Finish Line Network certainly seems like a legitimate program, it looks to me like one to avoid and I agree with your score of 40/100 for it.

    My reasons for avoiding it would be expensive upsells against a background of too little data available on the actual results gained by people who have signed up and completed the training.

    Also, this seems to focus on selling products to its own members, rather than to the wider public – ‘filling the pipeline’ as they call it, which gives it some of the appearances of a pyramid even if it’s not.

    There are other far more established marketing training programs out there which show MLM distributors how to build their businesses online and it makes you wonder if Finish Line Network has actually anything new to offer. You’d think the more established set-ups would have already thought of it.

    I’d also be very wary of the fact that there are 3 separate companies within the network. Surely there would be a risk of each having their own agenda or of one failing at some point. Where would that leave the other member companies or their affiliates?

    I’d tried a few of these programs before I found Wealthy Affiliate. Some were scams and some weren’t, but even the legitimate ones don’t come anywhere near Wealthy Affiliate, which I believe gives the aspiring online business owner everything he or she needs in one place at a very affordable price along with the support from the Community of fellow members over and above what is available within the formal WA system.
    Great review – thanks for sharing.

    • Hi Richard,

      You’re welcome and thank you for your comment.

      I totally agree with you… there is definitely the risk of at least 1 company that could fail. The partners have to be able to work and communicate well together.

      Wonderful to meet you! I look forward to following you inside Wealthy Affiliate.



  3. Hi! Thanks for sharing all this information on this company (or rather, 3 companies). I have to admit that I wouldn’t join an MLM anyway. Most MLMs seem to be very very risky, very very expensive, and only a few people earn anything. So I probably would have skipped right over the Finish Line products. But knowing exactly how new and unproven they are is useful as any information is. So thank you! I prefer affiliate marketing, too. 

    • Hi Selenity,

      You’re welcome and I appreciate your comment.

      I’m glad to hear you’re not a fan of MLM and extremely happy to hear you prefer affiliate marketing too.




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