Is GoodLife USA A Scam? A Pyramid Scheme In Disguise?

Are you an avid traveller? Imagine the places you dream of going to. Maybe GoodLife USA can help you. First, is it a scam, a pyramid scheme? There are some things here you need to know. 

Did you know you have an opportunity to make money with GoodLife? At least they say you can.

Like you, I enjoy travelling. In fact, I’m a solo traveller and for me, the hotel prices are even higher. If you can make money and travel, why not check them out? That’s why I wrote this review for you.

Before I reveal my findings, let me commend you for doing your research. It’s the only way to keep yourself from being scammed and find legitimate ways to make money online.

I also want to say, I am not associated with GoodLife. I do researching and write reviews to help you make informed decisions.

Let’s begin the review…

GoodLife USA Short Review Summary

GoodLife $2000 VIP Club CardProduct Name: GoodLife USA

Founder/CEO:  2016, Mark Seyforth

Product Type: Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) and Vacation and Lifestyle Club Membership

Price: $299 for Lifetime enrolment fee (includes the first month) and $49.95 a month for maintenance fee

Best For: Anyone who has the money to invest and for people who enjoy socializing. It will be helpful if you are an experienced MLM.

Summary: GoodLife USA is an MLM company offering discounted vacations and other services at private rates. It is not a pyramid scheme. The company started in 2016 but there is no income disclosure statement showing the independent representatives average income.

You can make some money with their VIP Cards which is a lot easier then their MLM plan.

Their Compensation Plan is complex and detailed. In my opinion, it’s challenging to get to the top rank of 10 in their plan.

My Rating: 20 out of 100

Is GoodLife USA Recommended? No

A Better Way – Check Out My #1 Recommendation, It’s FREE to Join!

What Is GoodLife USA?

Here is a short video of GoodLife USA. It does a good job of explaining what it’s about. 

GoodLife is an MLM (Multi-level marketing) membership-based club that allows you to enjoy your dream travel and lifestyle thru their wholesale prices.

Founded January 1st, 2016 by Mark Seyforth (CEO), GoodLife USA offers services on hotels, condos, vacations, shopping, dining, events, movies, and sports activities.

As you can see, it’s still a fairly new company.

I did some research on Mark, and according to CrunchBase, and, he has years of experience in the MLM industry and founded other companies:

Mark Seyforth Founder and SEO of GoodLife USA

  • Extreme Research Inc. (sold EnviroMax Plus products) 2002 – 2008
  • Seyforth Manufacturing Inc. (manufactured Herbalife) 1979 – 1981, renamed D&F Industries 
  • One24 (Natraburst products) August 2010

Like the typical MLM system, there are 2 important things they offer:

  1. Business opportunity – A way to earn income by showing other people the benefits of becoming an independent distributor for GoodLife.
  • Join their membership club and enjoy their wholesale vacations and other amenities at private prices.

In reality, what GoodLife USA does, is entice you with their business incentives which is what other MLM companies do. They say you can make big $$$.

Is this too good to be true? We’ll find out soon…

Inside GoodLife USA – The Products

There are 2 offers, the wholesale product which is the membership and the MLM (Lineage) business opportunity.

#1. Platinum Subscription Membership

Cost: $299 for Lifetime enrolment fee (includes the first month) and $49.95 a month for maintenance fee. There is no contract and no minimum commitment.

The Platinum is broken down into 2 types of services:

  • High-Tech
  • High-Touch

High-Tech (Online Access)

Once you log in, you get online access to see GoodLife USA’s suppliers discounts on hotels.

It shows the public prices from places like Expedia and Priceline for flights and accommodation so you can do price comparisons. and see how much you’re saving by choosing GoodLife’s prices.

They offer 30 -40% off their wholesale shopping network. They say it’s similar to Amazon products on skincare, weight loss, and nutritional supplement products.

Private prices are offered anywhere in the world on luxury homes, condos, cruises, and car rentals.

Are you a timeshare owner?  You can register it with GoodLife.

Your other services like movies, and events, is a simple procedure of entering the location.

When you pay the Platinum, they give you a 5 day (4 nights) incentive beachfront vacation to Cancun. The value is $450 – $850 depending on the season of travel.  The only thing you need to pay is the government taxes and fees,  $98 a person, and $198.

They don’t mention airfare so you need to take that into consideration. 


High-Touch is just the means of being able to talk to GoodLife support. 

#2. Build a Business

GoodLife USA offers you the opportunity to get into multi-level marketing as an Independent Business Owner (IBO) thru a sponsor.

With this, they include the Platinum Subscription benefits I just described above.

The other benefits they give you are:

  • Your own personalized website hosted by them
  • Dedicated support
  • Access to their business tools to market your business, pre-designed landing pages, and access to email automation
  • Ability to earn part-time or full-time income
  • Access to their GoodLife University so you can learn how to grow your business and build your team
  • Ability to earn rewards thru their compensation plan

GoodLife USA Compensation Plan

There are 2 ways to make income with GoodLife.

  1. Retail Marketing
  2. Social Network Your Business

#1. Retail Marketing

VIP Card

I actually like this…

GoodLife will let you hand out VIP Cards and sell their Platinum Subscriptions to anyone without being an MLM. By doing this you can earn retail income which is paid twice a month.

Some of the benefits are:

  • There are no qualifications to do this.
  • Businesses can hand these out to generate sales and leads for their business.

NOTE: You only have access to hotels, activities, and rental cars.

This is based on 50% of the commissions generated from the savings of any VIP card that’s been used. In addition, you earn $100 on the Platinum Subscription and $5 on the $49.95.

#2. Social Networking Your Business

This is the MLM side of GoodLife.

In case you’re not familiar with MLM, take a look at this diagram…

Multi-Level Marketing Model

When you become a distributor of an MLM company, you can earn income thru the sales of your products and by recruiting other people and receive a certain portion of their sales.

In other words, the people you sign up is your “downline” and when they recruit others into their own downline, you can also earn income on their sales.

Traditionally, you provide training and support to the people you recruited.

GoodLife’s MLM model is called Lineage. They also use the Unilevel Matrix and a combination of other models.

Actually, their entire MLM Compensation Plan is way to0 complicated. It’s enough to scare people away.

Here’s a decent video that gives a detailed explanation of the Plan.

From what I can tell, there are 6 ways to make income from their Plan:

  • VIP Card and Retail (I already talked about this)
  • Residual Retail
  • Quick Pay
  • 2 x 20 Team
  • Coded and Infinity Bonus
  • Ranks and Rewards Bonuses

Team Tree 2x20 and Coded Bonus Tree which is Unilevel

Qualified IBO: To earn any kind of substantial bonuses, you will want to be here. But this qualification is difficult to maintain.

Each calendar month, you must have at least 50 PCV or 100 PCV depending on your rank (Personal Commissionable dollar Volume). This is based on any commissionable product or service you sell.

Do this and you can earn GoodLife’s bonuses like their Coded Bonus, Team (2 x 20 Unilevel Matrix) and Quick Start.

Regarding their ranks, well, they have a surprising 10 levels:

  • Garnet
  • Tiger Eye
  • Opal
  • Sapphire
  • Ruby
  • Diamond
  • Double Diamond
  • Black Double Diamond
  • Crown Black Diamond
  • Presidential Black Diamond

If you can make up to the 10th rank, you will be making a fortune, however, not many will make it to that. CLICK HERE  for the PDF on GoodLife’s Compensation Plan. 

Tired of MLM? CLICK HERE For A Better Solution!

Who is GoodLife USA Suited For?

In my opinion, I believe GoodLife USA is for people who enjoy vacations, socializing with other people, and have money to invest.

What I Like About GoodLife USA

#1. 110% Price Difference Guarantee

If you find a better rate on a condo, hotel, car rental, or cruise, GoodLife will refund you 110% of the difference.

110% Price Difference Guarantee

#2. No Contract, No Minimum Commitment (Platinum Subscription)

When you pay for the Platinum Subscription, there is no contract and no minimum commitment to meet.

#3. The founder, Mark is A Real Person

Mark Seyforth is a real person. He has founded several MLM companies and was involved in the manufacturing of Herbalife Nutrition products for a well-known MLM company.

#4. Can Earn Income Thru VIP Cards

You can definitely earn income by distributing VIP cards to business associates if you have a business or you can use them to give to your friends and family members you think will use them and might be possible candidates to recruit. 

#5. Personal Website Even Though You Don’t Own It

People will trust you more when you have your own personal website.

What I Don’t Like About GoodLife USA

#1. An IBO Is Required To Maintain Certain Quota/Volume.

If you want to make commissions and bonuses as an Independent Business Owner, you need to meet a certain quota.

Not too long ago, I was involved in skin care products with an MLM company that has quotas. I needed to sell so many products to fill my volume quota monthly in order to get paid for my downlines sales and personal purchases.

My personal purchases were by far greater then what my recruits brought in. I also wasn’t able to recruit successfully.

I later discovered my sponsor was doing the same thing and now has a full year’s supply of inventory that no one really seems interested to buy. 

If you don’t have people to recruit on a steady basis, you’re not going to meet the monthly volume. 

#2.  Expensive

$299 for Lifetime enrolment fee (includes the first month) is confusing to me. When I first read this on their site, I thought it was a one-time fee, but the “includes the first month”… well, I don’t know what that means. Is the Lifetime enrolment fee monthly?

There is no Live Chat and their Support page doesn’t seem to be working.

The other thing is the $49.95 a month for maintenance fee is very expensive. For the year, it’s going to cost you $49.95 x 12 months = $599.40.

I guess you have to decide if you’re getting the value on your discounted vacations. Don’t forget, you still have to pay for your airfare which you can also book with GoodLife. 

#3. Challenging to Recruit. Always Chasing After People

Any MLM business opportunity is extremely difficult to recruit people. After you go after your family members, your friends and their friends, you’re going have to do a lot of chasing after people.

Sure, you can try to promote on social media but your friends are going to get tired of you pushing them to the point of not following you anymore.

This type of discounted vacation/travel and MLM business opportunity is also very competitive.

These are just a few examples.

#4. No Income Statement Disclosure Statement

GoodLife should have this but they don’t so there is no way to see what the average income is.

If you want an idea of what the potential average income is, refer back to #3 and click on the 3 MLM companies I reviewed.

#5. Complex Compensation Plan

I don’t know why MLM companies have to have such complex compensation plan. If they kept it simple, perhaps more people might be persuaded to join.

#6. BBB Rating F

I am concerned about this part…

There were 10 complaints, 3 failed responses, response time was slow, 1 complaint that has not been resolved.

BBB Complaint Testimonial

#7. Can’t See Wholesale Prices Until After You’re Sponsored And Pay

This is annoying. Why would a person want to join if they can’t see the prices and destinations? You’re not going to see the prices until you get sponsored and pay up.

Is GoodLife USA A Scam?

GoodLife USA is not a scam in my opinion nor are they a pyramid scheme. Although, I can see some of you may think that.

The reason I say they are not to both is that there are lots of discounted MLM vacation sites that have been doing this for years and the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has not shut them down.

However, I really think they need to improve their support for their IBOs and retail customers.

I still don’t recommend them. There is no such thing as a “perfect” company but after reading the comments in BBB, a representative from GoodLife should have been responding and in a timely manner.

Their Compensation Plan is too complicated and confusing. 

I think you can make some money with the VIP Cards although you’re limited to hotels, activities, and rental cars.

I have been involved with 3 MLM companies, candles, nutrition supplements, and skin care. Folks, I can only say, it’s a lot of “chasing after people”.

If I were to make a suggestion to these discounted vacations/travel companies, I would say drop the MLM and set up an affiliate program. 

A Better Way – How We Make Money Online

There really is a better way to make money online and yes, that’s thru affiliate marketing. In fact, it’s my #1 Recommendation. It’s the best business model online. 


If you enjoy travelling, consider this…

  • Work anywhere you like with your laptop
  • Earn passive long-term income
  • No inventory
  • PEOPLE COME TO YOU. You don’t have to chase them
  • You can have your own online business in any niche you desire
  • Promote any product you like
  • Have the opportunity to earn while you learn
  • No technical skills required
  • Join for FREE!!

WARNING! This is not a get-rich scheme and you will NOT make money overnight. 

By now you probably already know that I’m a member of Wealthy Affiliate. They are also my #1 Recommended Affiliate Marketing Training Platform. It’s also a friendly community of over 1.4 million people from all over the world.

Want to see how people are making money?

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RD40 Officially 1 Six Figure Business 2018

Meet Eric … CLICK HERE to read his story.

EricCantu Success Story

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Hey Folks, thank you for reading my review. If you have any questions or comments or happen to be a member of GoodLife USA, it would be awesome to hear from you.


4 thoughts on “Is GoodLife USA A Scam? A Pyramid Scheme In Disguise?”

  1. Hi Monica! 

    I’m glad to have found your review of GoodLife. I have been looking for a decent discounted travel site but I feel this one is not for me.

    I did some other researching and found better travel deals. Like you, I’m a solo traveller so there are lots of other sites that are giving me good discounted deals, still a bit high but it’s affordable for me and better than GoodLife.


    • Hi Erica,

      You’re welcome and thanks for your comment.

      Hey, another solo traveller. Good to hear from you.

      I quit looking for deals on discounted travel sites like GoodLife. There are better places like RedTag and that are more suitable for solo travellers.

      I’m glad to hear you do your researching… good for you. It’s the only way to prevent yourself from getting scammed. Vacations are meant to have good memorable experiences.


  2. Thank you, Monica, for such a thorough and informative review.

    I’ve been involved in MLM before as well and it’s refreshing to hear someone give a no BS synopsis of the industry rather than simply labelling it as a scam, which it is not. 

    There seem to be both good and bad points about this programme and you highlighted them all very well.

    Such as the compensation plan. Yes, it is very complex and should be simplified.

    Like you, I don’t like the idea of a minimum monthly quota to enable distributors to qualify for commissions. I believe that people should earn a commission on whatever it is they sell, however much or little that is. This is something that gives the MLM industry an undeservedly bad reputation in the eyes of many.

    One thing anyone should look for when considering any MLM opportunity is how much of its product actually reaches a real customer, and doesn’t just sit in the Distributors garage until they’re able to sell it.

    That’s why, like you, I prefer affiliate marketing. The product goes directly to the Customer and the affiliate doesn’t touch it. Once the sale is made, the commission is paid – as it should be. Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the right place at the right time since the training and the support is second to none.

    • Hi Richard,

      Thanks for your comment.

      Ya, I found it extremely challenging trying to meet my minimum quota. It’s one of the many reasons I got out of multi-level marketing. The worst part is accumulating all that inventory and not being able to sell them or you end up selling them at a loss just to get rid of them.

      Agree, affiliate marketing is the only way to go and Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the right training platform for it.



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